Search Results: Retention and Tenure

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151 results found

As seasons change, one thing remains the same: The persistent lack of diversity in the teacher workforce,-one-thing-remains-the-same:-The-persistent-lack-of-diversity-in-the-teacher-workforce

Outdated models won’t drive future success: Six reasons to reimagine the teaching role
The Ford Model T: revolutionary 100+ years ago, impractical now. Similarly, our outdated classroom model doesn't meet the needs of today's students and teachers. We explore the evidence driving schools...

What the teaching profession can learn from Netflix
What can the education field learn from Netflix? How to revolutionize staffing to better meet the needs of those you serve. Our outdated model of teaching makes it hard for...

Reimagining the Teaching Role
Our classrooms haven't kept pace with innovation. The Ford Model T represented breakthrough technology in its day—more than 100 years ago—but it wouldn't serve us well today. Likewise, our traditional...

Clinical Practice Action Guide
This Clinical Practice Action Guide tells the stories of prep programs, districts, and states that have made a concerted effort to build a strong clinical experience, and provides resources and...

Is the “monetary grass” greener outside of education? It depends
Some suggest that teachers are "lured" out of the profession into more lucrative fields. But a new study of pre-pandemic data paints a more complex picture of who leaves the...

Saving our best teachers: The urgency of retention amid layoffs
As districts face impending fiscal cuts and teacher layoffs, states and districts should take this opportunity to reexamine their approaches to attracting and retaining teachers—especially those who do the most...

More districts are paying teachers strategically to meet critical needs. Is yours?
District incentives to recruit and retain teachers will likely fall short if they lack specific attention to the needs of hard-to-staff subjects and schools. In this District Trendline, we examine...

What training for a marathon can teach us about clinical practice for teachers
Teacher preparation isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. And just like preparing for a long race, it requires well-planned practice, feedback, and the guidance of experts.

Transforming education: The LEARNS Act's impact on teacher salaries in Arkansas
In March 2023, Arkansas passed the Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Readiness, Networking and School Safety Act (LEARNS). A recent research brief from the University of Arkansas analyzes how LEARNS has influenced...

OK, Boomer: Why younger generations may be more effective teachers,-Boomer:-Why-younger-generations-may-be-more-effective-teachers
New research found measurable differences in teacher quality between different generations of teachers—with Baby Boomers being least effective.

Building a strong student teaching model: Districts and teacher prep programs share successes and challenges

Who’s walking out the door? How does turnover vary among teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and staff?,-paraprofessionals,-administrators,-and-staff
Non-teaching staff can have a big impact on student outcomes, yet little research explores how their turnover rates vary and what effects that could have on the school. New research...

What are the long-term effects of teacher performance pay on student outcomes?
New Research Reveals Surprising Long-Term Effects of Teacher Performance Pay on Students.

Increasing teacher diversity: Four ways districts can take action
Pipelines, incentives, retention strategies, and data tracking lead to greater diversity.

Connect the Dots: States’ priorities, policies, and practices impact student outcomes,-policies,-and-practices-impact-student-outcomes
Do state leaders suffer from a lack of strategy? To really connect the dots and make an impact, states need to simultaneously prioritize teacher quality and learning outcomes.

Top five state priorities for education leaders, researchers, and advocates,-researchers,-and-advocates
To learn about state priorities in the coming years, NCTQ surveyed education leaders, advocacy groups, and researchers across the country.

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity
Despite robust research that shows that teachers of color increase positive academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for all students, particularly students of color, new data and analysis from the National...

Scrambling to hire teachers doesn’t have to be a recurring rat race
Filling those hard-to-staff teacher vacancies doesn't have to be so hard. Making a few straightforward adjustments to compensation, incentives, and partnerships can change the game.

An easy fix? How technology can provide teacher demand data
A recent working paper shows a simple hack school leaders can use to ease teaching vacancy woes: Automate data collection.

Teaching that goes beyond the test? How to measure the many accomplishments of great teachers
What does the research say about measuring how great a teacher is other than their students' test scores?

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity

Think a four-day school week is better? Think again
A four-day work week may seem like a good way to attract teachers and address tightening school budgets, but researchers say it might do more harm than good.

Coming up ACEs in Dallas: Differentiated pay for teachers and dramatic gains for students
A new study examines a program in Dallas—Accelerating Campus Excellence or ACE—that sought to boost teacher pay for stellar educators willing to teach in high-poverty schools. Compared to similar schools...

Meeting the moment with measurement: Massachusetts’ lessons from emergency teacher licensure
As states quicklyshifted requirements for teacher licensure in the early days of the pandemic,some also saw an opportunity to learn from the responses they put in place.

Teacher salaries, cost of rent, and home prices: Can teachers afford to live where they teach?,-cost-of-rent,-and-home-prices:-Can-teachers-afford-to-live-where-they-teach
Lack of affordable housing exacerbates the teacher staffing challenges that many school districts face.

What’s in a school? Would a teacher in any other setting be as effective?
The answer (perhaps less satisfying than policy wonks would like) is that It depends on the school context.

Planning time may help mitigate teacher burnout—but how much planning time do teachers get?
A look at how the nation's largest districts address planning and collaboration time for elementary and secondary teachers

A look back on how school districts are preparing for the years ahead
The most popular District Trendline posts of 2022, with topics ranging from pay increases for substitutes to building a positive school climate

How many school districts offer paid parental leave?
A review of school districts' parental leave policies and how these policies can help support and retain teachers

Teachers want families, too: Why it’s time for paid family leave,-too:-Why-its-time-for-paid-family-leave
Offering paid family leave is an important way to improve quality of life for educators.

What do we know about retaining special education teachers of color?
New research finds that paraprofessional support, time, caseload, resources, and professional development all play major factors in retention.

From the source: What strategies do teachers of color believe will be most successful in recruiting and retaining teachers of color?
A new RAND Corporation survey asked teachers what would be the most effective strategies to recruit and retain more teachers of color.

Eight ways states can act now to retain an effective, diverse teacher workforce,-diverse-teacher-workforce
A focus on teacherrecruitment without appropriate attention to retention is like trying tocollect water in a sieve.

How are school districts using strategic pay to attract and retain teachers where they need them?
We examine if and how 148 large U.S. school districts use strategic pay to recruit and retain teachers.

State of the States 2022: Teacher Compensation Strategies
Salaries are one of the most powerful policy levers states and school districts can use to attract qualified, effective, and diverse teachers. However, strategic pay remains underutilized as a tool...

Best bang for your buck? Teachers’ salaries are higher inside the classroom than out of it
A new working paper provides evidence that newly credentialed teachers earn higher salaries if they enter the classroom, rather than pursuing other job opportunities.

Making Secretary Cardona’s vision for the teaching profession a reality
Beyond the important areas outlined in the Secretary's remarks, we see two big challenges to the goal of access and equity to quality teachers that have yet to be addressed.

Hiring school guidance counselors can help teachers and students thrive
Investing in resources, such as school guidance counselors, that help shape a positive school environment can set the stage for building and sustaining a stronger teacher workforce.

Coming home to teach: Do local grads make better teachers?
Do teachers who return to the district they graduated from have a competitive edge over other beginning teachers?

Strategies to build a sustainable special education teacher workforce
An examination of incentives offered by states and large school districts.

What teachers really want: It isn’t just higher salaries
Every now and then, conventional wisdom gets it wrong.

Building a school climate that makes teachers want to stay
A look at the role that the quality and character of school life plays in teacher success and retention.

Are teacher salaries keeping up with inflation?
An in-depth look at whether teacher salary increases have kept pace with rising consumer prices.

Teacher quality in 2021: A story of resilience
Our nation's educators and students are exhausted and embattled, but not beaten.

COVID-related incentives for teachers during the 2021-22 school year
Teachers faced many difficulties last year due to the pandemic. Concerns about teachers not returning for the 2021-22 school year weren't unfounded. We looked at the incentives that 148 large...

Do state collective bargaining rules influence district teacher policies?
An analysis of state rules on collective bargaining for teachers and the content of school districts' policies across 148 districts nationwide.

Does removing tenure lead to a retention problem?
Tenure, a hotly debated education policy lever, is often viewed as a component of a teacher's overall compensation package.

Smart Money 2.0
A new analysis by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) examines salary data and related compensation materials from 90 large school districts to determine lifetime earnings trajectories for teachers...

Ten school districts with the highest salaries for first-year teachers
For school district leaders, a crucial strategy for hiring a strong, effective teacher workforce is to offer competitive salaries.

The revolutionary retention strategy of investing in beginning teachers
We examine the extent to which beginning teachers are receiving any form of compensating differentials that would help increase teacher retention during the first few years in the classroom.

Diversifying the teacher workforce: More than a foot in the door
Many efforts to increase diversity focus on getting more teachers of color to the door of the classroom, with too little attention to what comes after.

Performance pay programs that pay off
A new meta-analysis finds a positive and significant relationship of performance pay on student learning outcomes.

Upping the ante: The current state of teacher pay in the nation's large school districts
As we close in on one year of the COVID-19 lockdown, we examine how resources are being used to recruit and retain effective teachers.

Strengthening the teacher workforce even before they enter the classroom
A recently published study sheds some light on how teacher evaluation and accountability policies might affect the quantity or quality of new teachers available to schools.

Does experience make the best teacher?
At first blush, this new study appears to confirm the well-established finding that more experienced teachers are not really much more effective than less experienced teachers. However, there's a novel...

Testing, testing… Are teachers less likely to quit when states stop testing?,-testing-Are-teachers-less-likely-to-quit-when-states-stop-testing
Does removing the stress of a standardized test keep teachers in the classroom?

Is undergraduate preparation the best way to train a teacher?
Unlike any other state, the majority of Texas teachersare prepared by non-traditional programs.

Why, then, do teachers leave?,-then,-do-teachers-leave
Teacher turnover has proven to be not only costly for schools, but also detrimental to teacher effectiveness and student learning. Still, some teacher attrition is not always a bad thing,...

Dueling endorsements
Some sensible solutions sometimes turn out to be counterproductive. A prime example may exist in Washington state, which recently instituted a policy requiring new special education teachers to pursue a...

What we’re reading: D.C. Voices: Teacher retention and recruitment during the pandemic
New analysis from Chelsea Coffin and Tanaz Meghjani at the D.C. Policy Center explores some of the teacher workforce data from D.C. public schools, and reports on how key education...

Supporting teachers through mentoring and collaboration
As school districts work out next year's instructional format and take stock of their teacher workforce, districts in a position to hire are also readying themselves for a potentially unprepared...

Tenure decisions and teacher effectiveness

Lessons from across the pond
Although Brexit and Megxit may be dominating headlines, politics and the royal family aren't the only issues worth reading up on from across the pond.

How evaluation ratings impact teacher pay

NCTQ Databurst: Teacher Leadership Opportunities
More states are recognizing the importance of leadership roles for teachers, signaling that state policy is reflecting teachers' voices. Thirty-five states now have formal teacher leadership policies, with a net...

You don't get what you pay for: paying teachers more for master's degrees
This month, the District Trendline looks at the role of advanced degrees in how teachers are paid.

You get what you pay for
Our drum is beating for both better base pay and much more strategic use of compensation dollars by school districts to purchase what they most need and value.

Three steps for creating and retaining a strong STEM teaching corps
Districts report the most difficulty not only filling STEM and special ed vacancies but keeping them filled with strong, effective teachers. Given these shortages, what can districts do to recruit...

The ins and outs of teacher salaries
This month, the District Trendline takes the teacher salary conversation back to the basics. We take a look at how teacher salaries are structured, how much teachers make, and investigate...

Inequities in the classroom: When the only thing missing is the will to act
In spite of a federal law requiring states to take action to ameliorate the inequitable distribution of teacher talent, many states (and consequently their districts) aren't doing much.

The high price of putting our heads in the sand
I know teacher evaluation is now considered toxic, but I've never been one to shy away from tilting at windmills.

Too short, still sweet: When successful systems lack longevity,-still-sweet:-When-successful-systems-lack-longevity
How can we fix well-documented disparities in the education experiences of children living in poverty?

Who are today’s teachers?
Some noteworthy findings from Richard Ingersoll and his colleagues in the recent examination of how the teaching workforce has changed in the last thirty years...

Leaving mid-year: when teacher turnover hurts the most
Not all teacher turnover is created equal. Some turnover is a good thing. Too much of it is a bad thing. The timing of turnover also matters...

Setting the record straight
The newest scare about teacher shortages focuses on the question of teacher retention...

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White,-Michael-Jackson--maybe-it-really-DOES-matter-if-youre-Black-or-White
A new study confirms, yet again, the positive benefits of students of color having a teacher of the same race.

Measuring up: New study identifies districts and states that are seeing results with teacher evaluation systems
Teacher evaluation systems, when implemented well, are coinciding with real and measurable benefits for students and teachers alike.

Supply and demand 101: Teacher pay edition
In most job sectors,employers use their compensation dollars to purchase what they most value.

Do Board certified teachers propel whole schools forward?
The right incentives can motivate a student to do homework, an employee to hit a quota, and even a child to finish her vegetables.

Making a Difference
The past decade has been marked by rapid changes in teacher evaluations. While many districts and states announced their intention to install better systems, they faced political and structural challenges....

What school districts can do to tackle teacher shortages
Coverage of teacher shortages tells of real struggles faced by districts, but it only tells part of the story.

Because you probably haven’t been paying attention…
Take your eyes off the pounding surf for a moment to read my top three interesting developments worth noting.

How do school districts compensate teachers for advanced degrees?
Among the largest districts in the country, 88 percent offer an increase in pay to teachers who earn master's degrees.

When more is less
Time and again research has failed to find evidence that earning a master's degree make a teacher more effective.

Increasing the value of student teaching
Student teaching is intended to serve as the opportunity for aspiring teachers to apply what they have learned from their preparation programs in real classroom settings.

How are districts and states using pay to staff high-need schools and subjects?
Paying teachers more to work in high-need schools and subjects—known as "differential pay"—is one of the most powerful tools school districts have on hand to secure the teachers they need.

Teacher strikes: on the wisdom of restraint
Teachers who had been getting a particularly bad deal stood up to advocate for change in their states, but while the first strikes set off others, it hasn't really gone...

Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst
NCTQ's Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst is a study of states' strategic teacher compensation policies which includes a snapshot of all 50 states' and the District of Columbia's teacher compensation policies...

States, Strikes, and Teacher Salaries,-Strikes,-and-Teacher-Salaries
Teachers' demands in strikes across the country have varied, but there's no question that low salaries are one of the chief complaints. To provide some additional insight into what's motivating...

Does Opportunity Culture bring students more opportunities to learn?
About 20 school districts have adopted new staffing models known collectively as Opportunity Culture, each designed to maximize the impact of great teachers. Makes sense, but does it work? Thanks...

Performance Pay: How Teacher Evaluations Impact Compensation
In light of new research regarding performance pay, this month's Trendline takes a look at how a teacher's evaluation rating affects salary in some of the largest districts in each...

Want to keep great teachers in high-needs schools? Train them there
Even today, high-needs schools struggle to attract and, more critically, retain effective and experienced teachers. We think teacher prep programs are missing a huge opportunity to tackle this issue, through...

A new look at performance pay
A new study suggests that offering performance bonuses to a smaller segment of high performing teachers than is typical in schools using performance pay may be a smart move.

Location, location, location,-location,-location
Localcontext matters. It's true when it comes to teachershortages, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that it would be true whenit comes to teacher retention, too.

2017 State Teacher Leadership Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for promoting teacher leadership in 2017.

2017 State Differentiated Pay Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for differentiated pay in 2017.

District Differentiated Pay Policies
Explore district-level data on differentiated pay from NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database.

Dallas pay for performance initiative producing positive results
NCTQ has long supported teacher pay for performance in school districts. Better pay can encourage the best teachers to stay in the classroom and prompt talented people to enter the...

Can teachers afford a place to call home?
Permit me to draw my inspiration from scripture, referencing the basic human needs of clothes on our backs, food to eat, and a shelter over our heads. How better to...

Low Pay Is Shutting Teachers Out Of Some Housing Markets
In 80 percent of the largest school districts, a teacher with an MA and five years' experience cannot comfortably afford housing payments.

October 2017: Does low pay shut teachers out of the housing market?
Teacher salaries are always in the news, but in the last few months we've noticed that housing affordability for teachers is in the spotlight, with many school districts exploring ways...

New NCTQ Analysis of Landmark Performance Pay Law Finds Almost No Buy-In from School Districts
As a growing number of states across the nation look for ways to recognize and reward excellent teachers, a new study from the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) reveals...

Florida Districts Fall Short In Implementing Performance Pay
In 2011, Florida's legislature passed an ambitious performance pay policy that requires districts to pay their most effective teachers the district's highest annual salary awards. Recognizing the importance of this...

Backing the Wrong Horse: The Story of One State's Ambitious But Disheartening Foray Into Performance Pay
Backing the Wrong Horse: The Story of One State's Ambitious But Disheartening Foray Into Performance Pay is part of the tenth annual publication in the State Teacher Policy Yearbook report...

May 2017: Differentiated Pay
This month, District Trendline asks the question "Just how common is differentiated pay for teachers?" To answer, we look at two common types of differentiated pay: more compensation either for...

NCTQ and TNTP Call on the Minnesota Court of Appeals to Reverse Lower Court & Allow Trial on Rights of Schoolchildren to Quality Teachers
The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) and TNTP submitted an amicus brief today in support of four Minnesota parents challenging the state's laws on teacher tenure, dismissal, and layoffs....

A Missed Opportunity for Performance Pay Research
How can we evaluate the effectiveness of pay-for-performance compensation systems if those systems are implemented only half-heartedly? That continues to be the prevailing question, as we review yet another expensive...

A workaround for counterproductive pension systems
No school district wants to lose their most effective teachers. But pension systems, which are under the purview of state legislatures, are one roadblock to retention. These pension systems often...

Feel the Churn
If there's one thing that research has shown us time and again, it's that being a brand new teacher is hard—and being one of their first students is not all...

Teacher turnover hurts - but not in the way you think
For a long time, we'veheard about the damage done by teacher turnover. Often, the thinking is thatschools struggle to replace the teachers who leave with replacements whoperform at least as...

May 2016: Teacher Tenure
This month's Trendline takes a look at the length ofprobationary periods across districts in the TeacherContract Database and how much flexibility districts have in the decisionto award tenure.

Pay attention, everybody- DC's on a roll,-everybody---DCs-on-a-roll
What happens in DC has the potential toimpact districts across the entire nation.

#1—Most Earth-Shattering Finding Still Likely to Get Ignored
Public School Teacher Attrition and Mobility in the FirstFive Years: Results From the First Through Fifth Waves of the 2007–08 BeginningTeacher Longitudinal Study from NCESTo round out our research recap,everything...

2015 State Teacher Policy Yearbook
The 2015 State Teacher Policy Yearbook is our ninth annual Yearbook report. Comprised of a National Summary and State-specific reports for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, this...

November 2015: The role of student achievement and teacher performance in evaluations, compensation and dismissal,-compensation-and-dismissal
This month, the Trendline takes a look at the role of student growth in evaluation ratings and how districts connect evaluation ratings with compensation and dismissal policies.

Doing something right in Dallas…
Results are in for the first full year of implementation of a new teacher evaluation system in Dallas, a system that the district claims to be "the most rigorous teacher...

State of the States 2015: Evaluating Teaching, Leading and Learning,-Leading-and-Learning
This report presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date policy trends on how states are evaluating teachers. It also breaks new ground by providing a look at the policy landscape on...

September 2015: Lifetime Earnings
This month's Trendline updates NCTQ's analysis in Smart Money: What teachers make, how long it takes and what it buys them and estimates how much a teacher can make over...

Staying in my classroom while expanding my reach beyond it
Today's TQB features commentary from Melody Arabo, Michigan's 2015Teacher of the Year.

The numbers don’t lie-but they may bend the truth a little
Here'sa question which (as far as we know) no one has asked before: are new teachers who graduate from more elitecolleges more likely to quit?SeanKelly and Laura Northrop of the...

Who stays? Following teacher retention from the beginning
Back in 2007, the National Center for Education Statistics began collecting data for a study that would, for the first time, give us better data on new teacher mobility. This...

How one district streamlined and bolstered new teacher hiring
Every district HR department looks to findways to limit the number of time-consuming interviews of new teacherapplicants. A few weeks ago, Politicoran a story about "Big Data" toolsdesigned to give...

Contract round up: Sacramento, Baltimore County, Billings and Laramie,-Baltimore-County,-Billings-and-Laramie
This month’s installment covers the new contracts in Sacramento City Unified School District, Baltimore County Public Schools, Billings Public Schools and Laramie School District One (WY).

Hash it out: Contradictory findings on teacher prep and persistence
Districtsoften ask NCTQ to identify the preparation programs that produce teachers whowill stay in the classroom through thick and thin. So we eagerly dove into tworecent articles, one by RichardIngersoll...

Smart money: What teachers make, how long it takes and what it buys them,-how-long-it-takes-and-what-it-buys-them
What teachers are paid matters. Many factors play a role in making the decision to become a teacher, but for many people compensation heavily influences the decision not only to...

Benefits of ambivalence: A new tenure policy holds promise for student gains
Policy fixes are necessary to lay the groundwork for change, but it'sin the implementation of those policies where the rubber meets the road. Since 2009, a lot of states have...

Which teachers stick around?
While the recent landmark Vergara v. California court case focused on teachers who are or should be dismissed, the greatest portion of teachers are still those who don't stick around...

July 2014: Teacher Tenure
This month's Trendline takes a close look at how districts in the NCTQ Teacher Contract Database are currently implementing key aspects of teacher tenure.

March 2014: Teacher Salaries and Housing Affordability
We're excited to bring back the Trendline series with one of our most popular topics: teacher salaries.

Teacher Trendline: The Role of Teacher Performance in Evaluations, Pay and Layoffs,-Pay-and-Layoffs
In our monthly newsletter for school districts, we look at how districts are tying eval ratings, pay and layoffs to teacher performance.

Tr3 Trends: Teacher Salaries, Urban vs. Suburban,-Urban-vs.-Suburban
In this month's Tr3 Trends newsletter, we compare teacher pay in suburbs and cities.

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in Dayton Public Schools
This report examines teacher quality policies and practices in the Dayton Public Schools and provides Dayton with a tailored analysis of the teacher policy areas most in need of critical...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in the School District of Philadelphia
This report examines teacher quality policies and practices in the School District of Philadelphia and provides Philadelphia with a tailored analysis of the teacher policy areas most in need of...

Tr3 Trends: Teacher Salaries in 2012-13
In 2012-13, the average salary in Tr3 districts for a first-year teacher with a bachelor's degree is about $39,000. For teachers with master's degrees the salary scale tops out, on...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in Oakland
This study looks at the policies and practices shaping teacher quality in the Oakland Unified School District. It is part of a series of analyses by the National Council on...

Tr3 Trends: Counting what counts
This month we look at changes in how teacher performance is evaluated and factored into pay and layoff decisions. Much of the shift on these issues has been driven...

State of the States 2012: Cultivating an Effective Teacher Workforce - Area 4: Retaining Effective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in LAUSD
Designed as a tool to highlight what is and is not working in our local schools, the report compares LAUSD's policies with both surrounding districts and similar districts around the...

Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Removing the Roadblocks: How Federal Policy Can Cultivate Effective Teachers
Joining the chorus of advocates calling for moving from highly qualified to highly effective teachers, NCTQ offers recommendations for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) so...

Restructuring Teacher Pay To Reward Excellence
This paper illustrates ways districts can rethink their teacher payrolls and salary schedules to find innovative ways to reward teacher excellence, absent additional funds.

Human Capital in Boston Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
A report on Boston Public School policies that have an impact on teacher quality, concluding that while the district has many smart, strategic policies already in place, improving teacher rules...

Bumping HR: Giving Principals More Say Over Staffing
In too many school districts, principals have little say over which teachers work in their buildings. NCTQ's new policy brief explores the staffing policies in 101 school districts and points...

Teacher Layoffs: Rethinking "Last-Hired, First-Fired" Policies,-First--Fired-Policies
In this paper, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) taps into its TR3 (Teacher Rules, Roles and Rights; database to examine district policies, some mandated by state law,...

2009 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: National Summary
The State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides detailed analysis of any and every state policy that impacts the teaching profession. The Yearbook is a 52-volume encyclopedia (51 state reports including the...

Human Capital in Seattle Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
Staffing each classroom with an effective teacher is the most important function of a school district. Doing so requires strategic personnel policies and smart practices. This analysis reviews the Seattle...

Human Capital in Hartford Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop, and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop,-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
This report, which examines the alignment of Hartford's teacher policies with its goals for improving teacher quality, represents the first in a number of similar analyses which NCTQ is undertaking...

2008 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: What States Can Do To Retain Effective New Teachers - National Summary
The 2008 edition of the State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides an in-depth analysis of a critical piece of the teacher quality puzzle: the retention of effective new teachers.

2007 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: National Summary
The State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides detailed analysis of any and every state policy that impacts the teaching profession. The Yearbook is a 52-volume encyclopedia (51 state reports including the...

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Background report for the United States,-Developing-and-Retaining-Effective-Teachers:-Background-report-for-the-United-States
The focus of the country background reports is on the aspects of teacher policy that deal with how to attract, recruit, develop, and retain effective teachers. The report has the...