Search Results: Teacher diversity

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A New Roadmap for Strengthening Teacher Diversity
The new NCTQ Teacher Diversity Dashboard reveals a troubling trend: The diversity of the teacher workforce is growing at a slower pace than the diversity of college educated adults.

When “do no harm” is impossible, how can districts design teacher layoffs to do the least damage?,-how-can-districts-design-teacher-layoffs-to-do-the-least-damage
When teacher layoffs are necessary, districts with thoughtful policies can minimize disruptions to schools and students, especially those facing greater disadvantages.

As seasons change, one thing remains the same: The persistent lack of diversity in the teacher workforce,-one-thing-remains-the-same:-The-persistent-lack-of-diversity-in-the-teacher-workforce

Start at the Beginning: Understanding the earliest part of the teacher pipeline can improve recruitment

Teacher Apprenticeships: Long on possibility, short on details (for now),-short-on-details-(for-now)
Apprenticeships offer a promising model to help expand and diversify the teacher workforce. But NCTQ President Heather Peske cautions: We're long on enthusiasm for apprenticeships and short on the details...

OK, Boomer: Why younger generations may be more effective teachers,-Boomer:-Why-younger-generations-may-be-more-effective-teachers
New research found measurable differences in teacher quality between different generations of teachers—with Baby Boomers being least effective.

Driving change through research: A look back at 2023
NCTQ's Teacher Quality Bulletin distills the latest education research into clear, actionable information for education leaders. From topics like effective reading instruction to teacher diversity, here are the posts that...

False Assurances: Many states' licensure tests don't signal whether elementary teachers understand reading instruction
In a new analysis, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) finds that most states (29 states and the District of Columbia) use a weak elementary teacher reading licensure test,...

Increasing teacher diversity: Four ways districts can take action
Pipelines, incentives, retention strategies, and data tracking lead to greater diversity.

Top five state priorities for education leaders, researchers, and advocates,-researchers,-and-advocates
To learn about state priorities in the coming years, NCTQ surveyed education leaders, advocacy groups, and researchers across the country.

Connect the Dots: States’ priorities, policies, and practices impact student outcomes,-policies,-and-practices-impact-student-outcomes
Do state leaders suffer from a lack of strategy? To really connect the dots and make an impact, states need to simultaneously prioritize teacher quality and learning outcomes.

Data Brief: How do trends in teacher preparation enrollment and completion vary by state?
How popular of a career choice is teaching? New data analysis shows trends in teacher prep program enrollment and completion.

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity
Despite robust research that shows that teachers of color increase positive academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for all students, particularly students of color, new data and analysis from the National...

Paraprofessionals: Understudied, undercompensated, and in short supply,-undercompensated,-and-in-short-supply-
Little is know about paraprofessionals in the classroom, but a recent study in Washington sheds some much-needed light on these important players.

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity

Meeting the moment with measurement: Massachusetts’ lessons from emergency teacher licensure
As states quicklyshifted requirements for teacher licensure in the early days of the pandemic,some also saw an opportunity to learn from the responses they put in place.

Seven strategies school districts are using to increase teacher diversity
Several school district leaders shared how they've accomplished recent gains in building a more diverse teacher workforce.

Teacher layoffs may be coming. How do districts decide who to let go?
An analysis of layoff policies in 148 of the largest U.S. school districts explores how they may impact the teacher workforce and the student population

How Black teachers make a difference
New research digs deeper into the well-documented positive impact that Black teachers have on students' academic and life outcomes.

Forging a path to a better place: A look back at the most widely read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022
The most-read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022 reflect the questions, overturned assumptions, and trade-offs that face education leaders.

From the source: What strategies do teachers of color believe will be most successful in recruiting and retaining teachers of color?
A new RAND Corporation survey asked teachers what would be the most effective strategies to recruit and retain more teachers of color.

What do we know about retaining special education teachers of color?
New research finds that paraprofessional support, time, caseload, resources, and professional development all play major factors in retention.

How some states use licensure test pass rate data to build a stronger, more diverse teacher workforce,-more-diverse-teacher-workforce

Making Secretary Cardona’s vision for the teaching profession a reality
Beyond the important areas outlined in the Secretary's remarks, we see two big challenges to the goal of access and equity to quality teachers that have yet to be addressed.

We wouldn’t lower standards for pilot licenses—so why teachers?
Who wants someone who has not demonstrated their knowledge and skills to be trusted with landing the plane? Teaching is no different.

How states are making licensure tests free to aspiring teachers
These states' efforts illustrate multiple approaches to help aspiring teachers to mitigate the cost burden of testing fees.

Six steps to hire a strong teacher workforce
Insights on what school districts can do to ensure every classroom is staffed with an effective teacher.

Digging Deeper: Which types of institutions achieve excellence and equity for aspiring teachers of color?
Building a more diverse teacher workforce is essential to addressing educational inequity for students of color. In this analysis, NCTQ considers teacher licensure test pass rate data through the lenses...

Teachers of color: Role models and more
New research adds important findings on the positive effects of teachers of color on the academic and life outcomes of students.

Building a school climate that makes teachers want to stay
A look at the role that the quality and character of school life plays in teacher success and retention.

Four responsible steps states can take NOW to fill classrooms
It's high time to implement specific and strategic policies to address teacher shortages.

Four states working to close the teacher diversity gap
Few areas of teacher policy have received as much overdue attention over the past few years as teacher diversity.

Dig into the Research: Teacher licensure, student achievement, and the edTPA,-student-achievement,-and-the-edTPA
NCTQ President Kate Walsh hosts a panel discussion on how the edTPA affects the teaching profession with leading researchers in the field of educator preparation.

Teacher quality in 2021: A story of resilience
Our nation's educators and students are exhausted and embattled, but not beaten.

2021 in Review: School district policy priorities in a truly challenging year
A round-up of NCTQ's most-read District Trendline blog posts from 2021.

Student body demographics could influence teacher hiring decisions - but we need more data
A new working paper adds additional insight into the important question of how race impacts teacher hiring decisions.

Showing up
For Black teachers, discussing important issues such as the Capitol Insurrection or Black Lives Matter Movement in a safe and meaningful way with students can be difficult, but is possible...

Driven by Data: Using Licensure Tests to Build a Strong, Diverse Teacher Workforce,-Diverse-Teacher-Workforce
The NCTQ publication of long-hidden data on institutional pass rates for elementary content teacher licensure tests serves as a compass, pointing toward strengths and opportunities in preparing aspiring elementary teachers...

Teacher licensure pass rate data: Lessons learned on teacher quality and diversity
Information gleaned from licensure tests can offer a compass, guiding efforts to strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce.

The opportunity to learn from teacher licensure pass rate data — and why it matters
Strengthening our teacher workforce begins with better, more transparent data.

Reducing bias in classroom instruction
New research on implicit racial bias in schools and its effect on student achievement.

Bias in teacher observations: No easy solutions
A new study out of Chicago has garnered a lot of attention for finding that Black teachers were significantly more likely to receive low classroom observation scores as compared to...

Diversifying the teacher workforce: More than a foot in the door
Many efforts to increase diversity focus on getting more teachers of color to the door of the classroom, with too little attention to what comes after.

Affirming spaces matter for teachers too
To cultivate the type of learning environment that would support and sustain candidates of color there are three areas to consider: community, curriculum, and communication.

Tools to help recruit a strong, diverse teacher workforce,-diverse-teacher-workforce
A new tool designed to help districts identify sources of academically strong, diverse teacher candidates and better target recruitment efforts.

The turning tide: Greater interest in teaching among Black and Hispanic students
Black and Hispanic college students don't enter teaching at the same rate as white students, but new trends indicate some upward movement.

The wind at our backs on diversifying the teaching profession
No longer is it appropriate to decouple the goal of improving teacher quality from parallel efforts to increase the number of Black and Hispanic teachers. What's left to argue about...

Teacher Prep Review: Program Diversity and Admissions 2021
New data from NCTQ examines the interplay between racial diversity and admissions standards in teacher preparation programs. We present strong evidence that these two considerations need not be competing goals,...

Silver linings of 2020: Some much-needed good news in teacher quality research
While it may still feel like the 273rd day of March, we're really truly nearing the end of December, and the year 2020.

Are we done with teacher licensing tests?
Are teacher licensing tests a milestone to achieve or an obstacle to be removed?

Changing habits: easier than changing hearts and minds?
The path to becoming anti-racist is long, challenging, and for teachers, essential. Tackling one's mindset and implicit biases takes hard work, and even trainings intended to help people do this...

The powerful impact of Black role models
A new study finds that the presence of Black teachers in advanced track courses produces a higher probability of Black students in that school not just enrolling, but passing advanced...

A Fair Chance
In A Fair Chance: Simple steps to strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce, NCTQ analysis reveals both astonishingly high numbers of elementary teacher candidates failing their professional licensing tests each...

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White,-Michael-Jackson--maybe-it-really-DOES-matter-if-youre-Black-or-White
A new study confirms, yet again, the positive benefits of students of color having a teacher of the same race.

State ESSA plan whack-a-mole
Ever play the carnival game of whack-a-mole? Every time you smash one mole back into its hole, two more pop back up. That's how NCTQ's analysts feel right now with...

ESSA Educator Equity Analyses
The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ)'s analyses of states' plans for ensuring that low-income and minority students are not disproportionately taught by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers under the...

State ESSA plans on educator equity a real mixed bag
There has been substantial media attention recently regarding states' Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans, much of which has focused on states' efforts to meet ESSA's accountability requirements. Here at...

Today, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) released its analyses of educator equity in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plans of 16 states and the District of...

NCTQ to Release Reviews of 17 State Plans to Implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
NCTQ has reviewed all 17 currently released state plans to implement ESSA.On June 8th, NCTQ will release analyses of each state plan's work to meet ESSA'seducator equity requirements. NCTQ will...

Statement from Kate Walsh, President of the National Council on Teacher Quality, on Scrapping New York’s Literacy Test for Prospective Teachers,-President-of-the-National-Council-on-Teacher-Quality,-on-Scrapping-New-Yorks-Literacy-Test-for-Prospective-Teachers
Today, New York's State Board of Regents is considering doing away with a recentlyadopted licensing test for teacher candidates, amid concerns that the too many blackand Latino teacher candidates fail...

Teacher diversity: Grounding our goals in reality
One feature of an ideal school environment, webelieve, is that both students and their teachers reflect America in all of itsdiversity. Everyone, including children coming from privilege, benefits from adiverse...

New Study: Building a Truly Diverse Teacher Workforce Will Take Many Decades--Even With All Hands on Deck
A study released today by the Brookings Institution shows that achieving genuine racial parity between public school teachers, whose minority representation constitutes 18 percent of the workforce, and public school...

High Hopes and Harsh Realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce
Public schools are suffering from a well-publicized diversity problem. Students of color make up nearly half of all public school students, yet teachers of color comprise just 18 percent of...

Shining some light on our hidden biases
We've known for years that students of color are underrepresented in gifted education programs across the country.

Diversity in the Teaching Workforce: False Choices and Faulty Tactics
We can all agree that building a more diverse corps of teachers is important. While only a few studies have examined the role of teacher diversity in student achievement, there's...

More evidence that matching teacher and student race matters

When it comes to licensing tests, we need the wisdom of Solomon,-we-need-the-wisdom-of-Solomon