Search Results: Supply and Demand

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135 results found

Is the “monetary grass” greener outside of education? It depends
Some suggest that teachers are "lured" out of the profession into more lucrative fields. But a new study of pre-pandemic data paints a more complex picture of who leaves the...

Policies grow and classrooms shrink: The post-pandemic state of class size limits
Classes are shrinking, but student performance is stagnant. NCTQ examines class size policy changes in the largest U.S. districts to see how the landscape has changed in recent years.

Teacher layoffs loom large. How to lessen the blow
New research examining ESSER's impact on school district hiring in Washington state confirms potential teacher layoffs as the funding wanes.

More districts are paying teachers strategically to meet critical needs. Is yours?
District incentives to recruit and retain teachers will likely fall short if they lack specific attention to the needs of hard-to-staff subjects and schools. In this District Trendline, we examine...

Paraprofessional and educator-support role staffing has increased to the benefit of students and teachers, but will it last?,-but-will-it-last
The proportion of individuals in educator-support roles (paraprofessionals, counselors, etc.) has consistently grown over the last decade. Compare state and national changes in school staffing across support and teaching roles.

Raising a red flag: LIFO policies harm teacher diversity, teacher quality, and student learning,-teacher-quality,-and-student-learning
As ESSER funding depletes and teacher layoffs set in, school districts should consider teacher performance and other alternatives to last-in-first-out.

Transforming education: The LEARNS Act's impact on teacher salaries in Arkansas
In March 2023, Arkansas passed the Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Readiness, Networking and School Safety Act (LEARNS). A recent research brief from the University of Arkansas analyzes how LEARNS has influenced...

Start at the Beginning: Understanding the earliest part of the teacher pipeline can improve recruitment

Teacher Apprenticeships: Long on possibility, short on details (for now),-short-on-details-(for-now)
Apprenticeships offer a promising model to help expand and diversify the teacher workforce. But NCTQ President Heather Peske cautions: We're long on enthusiasm for apprenticeships and short on the details...

OK, Boomer: Why younger generations may be more effective teachers,-Boomer:-Why-younger-generations-may-be-more-effective-teachers
New research found measurable differences in teacher quality between different generations of teachers—with Baby Boomers being least effective.

Building a strong student teaching model: Districts and teacher prep programs share successes and challenges

Who’s walking out the door? How does turnover vary among teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and staff?,-paraprofessionals,-administrators,-and-staff
Non-teaching staff can have a big impact on student outcomes, yet little research explores how their turnover rates vary and what effects that could have on the school. New research...

Are your substitute teachers getting paid more at Walmart?
Districts nationally are struggling to build strong pools of substitute teachers. Yet in 40% of the large districts we analyzed, entry-level substitute teachers are paid less than what they would...

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

Data Brief: How do trends in teacher preparation enrollment and completion vary by state?
How popular of a career choice is teaching? New data analysis shows trends in teacher prep program enrollment and completion.

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity
Despite robust research that shows that teachers of color increase positive academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for all students, particularly students of color, new data and analysis from the National...

Scrambling to hire teachers doesn’t have to be a recurring rat race
Filling those hard-to-staff teacher vacancies doesn't have to be so hard. Making a few straightforward adjustments to compensation, incentives, and partnerships can change the game.

An easy fix? How technology can provide teacher demand data
A recent working paper shows a simple hack school leaders can use to ease teaching vacancy woes: Automate data collection.

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity

Coming up ACEs in Dallas: Differentiated pay for teachers and dramatic gains for students
A new study examines a program in Dallas—Accelerating Campus Excellence or ACE—that sought to boost teacher pay for stellar educators willing to teach in high-poverty schools. Compared to similar schools...

Teacher salaries, cost of rent, and home prices: Can teachers afford to live where they teach?,-cost-of-rent,-and-home-prices:-Can-teachers-afford-to-live-where-they-teach
Lack of affordable housing exacerbates the teacher staffing challenges that many school districts face.

What’s in a school? Would a teacher in any other setting be as effective?
The answer (perhaps less satisfying than policy wonks would like) is that It depends on the school context.

Seven strategies school districts are using to increase teacher diversity
Several school district leaders shared how they've accomplished recent gains in building a more diverse teacher workforce.

New from Illinois: Whether and where teacher shortages exist, and how states can tell,-and-how-states-can-tell
New research from Illinois reiterates that the nature of the teacher shortage problem is one of inequity.

An equity decision: Which teachers choose to teach which students?
New research looks into how teachers select or are selected into positions based on their preferences and those of the principals hiring them.

Forging a path to a better place: A look back at the most widely read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022
The most-read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022 reflect the questions, overturned assumptions, and trade-offs that face education leaders.

A look back on how school districts are preparing for the years ahead
The most popular District Trendline posts of 2022, with topics ranging from pay increases for substitutes to building a positive school climate

Do States Have the Data they Need to Answer Important Questions about their Teacher Workforce?
Given both the importance—and dearth—of nuanced, local data on teacher supply and demand, NCTQ set out to understand the key data elements states are currently collecting, which data is missing,...

What do we know about retaining special education teachers of color?
New research finds that paraprofessional support, time, caseload, resources, and professional development all play major factors in retention.

Eight ways states can act now to retain an effective, diverse teacher workforce,-diverse-teacher-workforce
A focus on teacherrecruitment without appropriate attention to retention is like trying tocollect water in a sieve.

How are school districts using strategic pay to attract and retain teachers where they need them?
We examine if and how 148 large U.S. school districts use strategic pay to recruit and retain teachers.

State of the States 2022: Teacher Compensation Strategies
Salaries are one of the most powerful policy levers states and school districts can use to attract qualified, effective, and diverse teachers. However, strategic pay remains underutilized as a tool...

Making Secretary Cardona’s vision for the teaching profession a reality
Beyond the important areas outlined in the Secretary's remarks, we see two big challenges to the goal of access and equity to quality teachers that have yet to be addressed.

Setting sights lower: States back away from elementary teacher licensure tests
Many states are moving to eliminate existing measures of content knowledge for aspiring teachers, citing concerns around possible teacher shortages.

Six steps to hire a strong teacher workforce
Insights on what school districts can do to ensure every classroom is staffed with an effective teacher.

The scarce, incomplete, and elusive teacher workforce data,-incomplete,-and-elusive-teacher-workforce-data
One thing we know for certain: K-12 educator workforce data is lagging, lacking, and limited.

Hiring school guidance counselors can help teachers and students thrive
Investing in resources, such as school guidance counselors, that help shape a positive school environment can set the stage for building and sustaining a stronger teacher workforce.

Who’s ready to teach elementary mathematics?
How school districts can use NCTQ's Teacher Prep Review Elementary Math standard findings in their recruiting and hiring decisions

Early hiring and more effective teachers
One concrete step districts can take to build a stronger teacher workforce is to move up their hiring timelines.

Strategies to build a sustainable special education teacher workforce
An examination of incentives offered by states and large school districts.

What teachers really want: It isn’t just higher salaries
Every now and then, conventional wisdom gets it wrong.

Four responsible steps states can take NOW to fill classrooms
It's high time to implement specific and strategic policies to address teacher shortages.

A new path to the classroom: What could Registered Apprenticeship mean for teaching?
As the challenge of recruiting a new generation of teachers gains increasing urgency, what's old is being made new again.

Are teachers quitting?
Given how disruptive it is for schools to deal with even a single absent teacher, you'd think we would know such things as how many teachers are quitting.

It’s taking a really long time to get state longitudinal data systems right
While most states have made progress in building out their data systems, key data connections are missing.

Teacher quality in 2021: A story of resilience
Our nation's educators and students are exhausted and embattled, but not beaten.

COVID-related incentives for teachers during the 2021-22 school year
Teachers faced many difficulties last year due to the pandemic. Concerns about teachers not returning for the 2021-22 school year weren't unfounded. We looked at the incentives that 148 large...

State of the States 2021: State Reporting of Teacher Supply and Demand Data
What data do states collect and report on the teacher labor market? Do states connect data on supply and demand to better understand and address teacher shortages? Explore state policies...

Student body demographics could influence teacher hiring decisions - but we need more data
A new working paper adds additional insight into the important question of how race impacts teacher hiring decisions.

Do state collective bargaining rules influence district teacher policies?
An analysis of state rules on collective bargaining for teachers and the content of school districts' policies across 148 districts nationwide.

What we know (and don’t know) about pandemic-era teacher shortages
National jobs data suggests the wave of predicted teacher resignations has not come to pass.

Comparing school districts on class size policies
Working conditions play a crucial role in teachers' wellbeing, especially after 18 taxing months of reinventing education due to the pandemic. A recent report uncovers that class sizes are a...

Six steps to use student teachers to solve staffing challenges
For school districts looking to fulfill staffing needs, hosting student teachers offers many advantages to creating a pool of effective new teachers.

Mismatches and movement in new teacher employment
New data show the extent of the mismatch between teachers' certification and the area in which teachers are needed.

Smart Money 2.0
A new analysis by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) examines salary data and related compensation materials from 90 large school districts to determine lifetime earnings trajectories for teachers...

Reflections on Starbucks and rural teaching shortages
To attract teachers to rural areas we either have to come up with a significant and steady infusion of cash—or life in rural America needs to become a more attractive...

Ten school districts with the highest salaries for first-year teachers
For school district leaders, a crucial strategy for hiring a strong, effective teacher workforce is to offer competitive salaries.

The revolutionary retention strategy of investing in beginning teachers
We examine the extent to which beginning teachers are receiving any form of compensating differentials that would help increase teacher retention during the first few years in the classroom.

Upping the ante: The current state of teacher pay in the nation's large school districts
As we close in on one year of the COVID-19 lockdown, we examine how resources are being used to recruit and retain effective teachers.

Tracking district teacher policies in the COVID-19 environment
New data & analysis from negotiated agreements on school reopening, PPE, teacher eval, leave, & more.

Strengthening the teacher workforce even before they enter the classroom
A recently published study sheds some light on how teacher evaluation and accountability policies might affect the quantity or quality of new teachers available to schools.

The early bird gets the better teacher candidate pool
Pervasive late hiring processes hinder districts'ability to hire high-quality teacher candidates, yet still many districts can'tseem to rise out of this rut. One large district figured out something to doabout...

Why, then, do teachers leave?,-then,-do-teachers-leave
Teacher turnover has proven to be not only costly for schools, but also detrimental to teacher effectiveness and student learning. Still, some teacher attrition is not always a bad thing,...

What we’re reading: D.C. Voices: Teacher retention and recruitment during the pandemic
New analysis from Chelsea Coffin and Tanaz Meghjani at the D.C. Policy Center explores some of the teacher workforce data from D.C. public schools, and reports on how key education...

The emerging science on predicting if a teacher will be effective
Researchers have spent decades investigating the most valid predictors and measures of teacher quality, with one of the hopes being that school districts will know exactly what to look for...

AASPA Benefit Survey On COVID-19 From PK-12 HR

NCTQ Databurst: Licensure Requirements for Out-of-State Teachers
New data from the National Council on Teacher Quality reveal that the majority of states do not ask for evidence of prior successful teaching for those teachers coming from out...

Ensuring strong and stable substitute teacher pools
What do substitute teacher pools look like across the largest school districts in the country and how can districts use strategic compensation and other innovative practices to ensure a strong...

You get what you pay for
Our drum is beating for both better base pay and much more strategic use of compensation dollars by school districts to purchase what they most need and value.

Three steps for creating and retaining a strong STEM teaching corps
Districts report the most difficulty not only filling STEM and special ed vacancies but keeping them filled with strong, effective teachers. Given these shortages, what can districts do to recruit...

A sizable opportunity: thinking strategically about class size

Inequities in the classroom: When the only thing missing is the will to act
In spite of a federal law requiring states to take action to ameliorate the inequitable distribution of teacher talent, many states (and consequently their districts) aren't doing much.

When the economy’s down, stock up,-stock-up
It's safe to say that recessions are bad – people lose jobs, investments lose value, politicians lose elections. However, it turns out there's one group that benefits from an economic...

Lose-lose: New teacher assignments
We all know that new teachers are more apt to get handed the toughest classrooms, a double whammy on student growth (where it's most needed) and teacher attrition rates. What's...

Too short, still sweet: When successful systems lack longevity,-still-sweet:-When-successful-systems-lack-longevity
How can we fix well-documented disparities in the education experiences of children living in poverty?

Who are today’s teachers?
Some noteworthy findings from Richard Ingersoll and his colleagues in the recent examination of how the teaching workforce has changed in the last thirty years...

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White,-Michael-Jackson--maybe-it-really-DOES-matter-if-youre-Black-or-White
A new study confirms, yet again, the positive benefits of students of color having a teacher of the same race.

Supply and demand 101: Teacher pay edition
In most job sectors,employers use their compensation dollars to purchase what they most value.

Do Board certified teachers propel whole schools forward?
The right incentives can motivate a student to do homework, an employee to hit a quota, and even a child to finish her vegetables.

What school districts can do to tackle teacher shortages
Coverage of teacher shortages tells of real struggles faced by districts, but it only tells part of the story.

Because you probably haven’t been paying attention…
Take your eyes off the pounding surf for a moment to read my top three interesting developments worth noting.

How are districts and states using pay to staff high-need schools and subjects?
Paying teachers more to work in high-need schools and subjects—known as "differential pay"—is one of the most powerful tools school districts have on hand to secure the teachers they need.

Can better applicant screening raise teacher quality?
It's teacher hiring season, and school districts are out in full force working to recruit teachers.

Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst
NCTQ's Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst is a study of states' strategic teacher compensation policies which includes a snapshot of all 50 states' and the District of Columbia's teacher compensation policies...

Want teachers who are ready on day one? Here's where to look!!
As school districts plan for the coming school year, many are already considering where to recruit a fresh crop of new teachers - teachers eager to put everything they've learned...

So, what makes someone want to be a teacher?,-what-makes-someone-want-to-be-a-teacher
No one is surprised when 9th and 10th grade students want to be rock stars, professional athletes, or YouTube celebrities. But when some of them want to be teachers, it's...

When it comes to attracting out-of-state teachers, do states shoot themselves in the foot?,-do-states-shoot-themselves-in-the-foot
As many states struggle to staff all their classrooms, they might want to examine the degree to which their own policies discourage qualified teachers from applying.

Teacher Shortages and Surpluses Databurst
The Teacher Shortages and Surpluses Databurst is an analysis of states' work to track teacher shortages and surpluses, and to implement the policy solutions to address these challenges. This resource...

Want to keep great teachers in high-needs schools? Train them there
Even today, high-needs schools struggle to attract and, more critically, retain effective and experienced teachers. We think teacher prep programs are missing a huge opportunity to tackle this issue, through...

The best laid plans...
There is a cautionary lesson from a new working paper examining Houston's bold talent initiative. In many ways, it yielded the results intended by retaining a higher number of great...

Location, location, location,-location,-location
Localcontext matters. It's true when it comes to teachershortages, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that it would be true whenit comes to teacher retention, too.

2017 State Differentiated Pay Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for differentiated pay in 2017.

2017 State Requirements for Out-of-State Teachers
See how states fared on our policy goals for licensure reciprocity in 2017.

District Differentiated Pay Policies
Explore district-level data on differentiated pay from NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database.

District Class Size Policies
Explore district-level data on class policies from NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database.

Border walls between states and their impact on kids
Despite how some organizations tend to discuss teacher supply, the United States doesn't have just one teacher labor market, but at least 50. Why is the labor market so fragmented?...

Can teachers afford a place to call home?
Permit me to draw my inspiration from scripture, referencing the basic human needs of clothes on our backs, food to eat, and a shelter over our heads. How better to...

Disproving the prophets of teacher shortages
Too often in education, education groups' pursuit of validation for their policy priorities and the media's desire for a strong narrative lead them to whip up a public frenzy at...

New NCTQ Analysis of Landmark Performance Pay Law Finds Almost No Buy-In from School Districts
As a growing number of states across the nation look for ways to recognize and reward excellent teachers, a new study from the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) reveals...

Should Teacher Prep Steer Students to Fields with the Most Jobs?
Should schools of education steer their students to fields where they have the highest chances of being hired? Or should they allow students to major in fields in which the...

Principles for principals: How districts can support data-rich hiring
Data, data everywhere but not a drop to drink.

May 2017: Differentiated Pay
This month, District Trendline asks the question "Just how common is differentiated pay for teachers?" To answer, we look at two common types of differentiated pay: more compensation either for...

If knowing is half the battle, Tennessee is winning this engagement,-Tennessee-is-winning-this-engagement
We've long been excited about the wealth of information – and its potential uses – coming from Tennessee's teacher prep report cards (see here and here). The state's Department of...

The Salary, Cost of Living, and Student Debt Equation,-Cost-of-Living,-and-Student-Debt-Equation
In the search for your perfect teaching job, there are a lot of compensation-related factors to consider.

The challenge of learning from others' mistakes
April 13, 2017

Great District Profile: District of Columbia Public Schools
Choosing the right district for you is not easy if you don't have the right information.

Local View
The fact that many of Nebraska's schools lack enough teachers, particularly in fields like science, mathematics, and special education, is likely not news to most. Year after year, nearly all...

Great Districts for Great Teachers
For teachers, finding satisfaction in their classroom, school, and district is key to longevity and success.

Honor Roll: Selective Programs that Achieve High Diversity
Studies have shown teachers who have strong academic backgrounds tend to be more successful in the classroom.

A workaround for counterproductive pension systems
No school district wants to lose their most effective teachers. But pension systems, which are under the purview of state legislatures, are one roadblock to retention. These pension systems often...

The best teacher quality research of 2016!!
Teacher quality researchers made plenty of provocative headlines in 2016. They identified trends to monitor, new tips for the trade, and a few wins worth celebrating. Here are the papers...

Obeying the Laws of Supply and Demand Averts Teacher Shortages
Every consumer knows how the law of supply and demand affects prices. When demand is higher than supply, the price goes up. As suppliers increase production to match the demand,...

October 2016: Class size
According to the NationalCenter for Education Statistics, in the 2011-2012 school year, averageclass size across all public schools in the United States was 21.6 students inelementary school, 25.5 students in...

The Ghost of Teacher Shortages Past...
Here's something I've been struggling to understand of late. What makes the prospect of a teacher shortage such an immediately compelling narrative, capable of spreading with all the speed of...

NCTQ Calls For More Nuanced Approach to Discussion of Teacher Shortages
Today, the Learning Policy Institute (LPI), led by Stanford University education professor Linda Darling-Hammond, released a series of reports focusing on teacher shortages in the US. The reports estimate a...

Teacher diversity: Grounding our goals in reality
One feature of an ideal school environment, webelieve, is that both students and their teachers reflect America in all of itsdiversity. Everyone, including children coming from privilege, benefits from adiverse...

High Hopes and Harsh Realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce
Public schools are suffering from a well-publicized diversity problem. Students of color make up nearly half of all public school students, yet teachers of color comprise just 18 percent of...

A drummed up teacher shortage crisis
Isn't it amazing how someone or some things gain traction when the facts clearly aren't on their side? Just like the media handed off most of its airtime and column...

Getting Licensed to Teach in Minnesota: A Puzzling Process
A year ago a group of 20 out-of-state teachers filed a lawsuitin Minnesota over the state's teacherlicensing regulations which they claimed were inconsistent and incoherent. Thestate's Office of the Legislative...

Pay attention, everybody- DC's on a roll,-everybody---DCs-on-a-roll
What happens in DC has the potential toimpact districts across the entire nation.

Economic Downturns May Come with an Unexpected Upside
When most companies are handing outmore pink slips than paychecks, getting a job in teaching starts to lookawfully attractive—including to people who hadn't initially planned on a careerin the classroom....

A new tool for teacher policy change: the gavel
"It should not take this long."A simple sentiment, but one that likely resonates with almost any teacher who has ever moved to a new state only to then engage in...

Are big teacher shortages around the corner?
Today, a test of yourpolicy chops.What do the followingthree statements have in common? 1. It'sbeen X years since A Nation at Riskand we still haven't solved [fillin blank];2. The...

Boston Public Schools making strides in human capital policies
Way backin 2010, NCTQ released Human Capital in BostonPublic Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain EffectiveTeachers in partnership with the MassachusettsAlliance for Business Education. The typical life span...

How one district streamlined and bolstered new teacher hiring
Every district HR department looks to findways to limit the number of time-consuming interviews of new teacherapplicants. A few weeks ago, Politicoran a story about "Big Data" toolsdesigned to give...

Transforming recruitment and hiring in Dallas
Dallas IndependentSchool Districthires approximately 2,000 new teachers each year. It is transforming the wayits human capital team works, adopting data-driven strategies for recruitment,selection and hiring. One of the many sources...

No greater than the sum of their parts
If one Teach For America (TFA) corps member can boost studenttest scores at a higher rate than other teachers in the same school, wouldmultiple TFA corps members in the same...

Which teachers stick around?
While the recent landmark Vergara v. California court case focused on teachers who are or should be dismissed, the greatest portion of teachers are still those who don't stick around...

Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Removing the Roadblocks: How Federal Policy Can Cultivate Effective Teachers
Joining the chorus of advocates calling for moving from highly qualified to highly effective teachers, NCTQ offers recommendations for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) so...

Human Capital in Boston Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
A report on Boston Public School policies that have an impact on teacher quality, concluding that while the district has many smart, strategic policies already in place, improving teacher rules...

Bumping HR: Giving Principals More Say Over Staffing
In too many school districts, principals have little say over which teachers work in their buildings. NCTQ's new policy brief explores the staffing policies in 101 school districts and points...

Teacher Layoffs: Rethinking "Last-Hired, First-Fired" Policies,-First--Fired-Policies
In this paper, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) taps into its TR3 (Teacher Rules, Roles and Rights; database to examine district policies, some mandated by state law,...

Tackling the STEM crisis: Five steps your state can take to improve the quality and quantity of its K-12 math and science teachers
State laws and regulations can either help or hinder the ability of school districts to hire effective teachers for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. State officials wanting to...

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Background report for the United States,-Developing-and-Retaining-Effective-Teachers:-Background-report-for-the-United-States
The focus of the country background reports is on the aspects of teacher policy that deal with how to attract, recruit, develop, and retain effective teachers. The report has the...

Teacher Certification Reconsidered: Stumbling for Quality
The importance of good teaching to the academic success of students is intuitively obvious to any parent and is well substantiated by a body of sound research. Correspondingly, ensuring that...