Search Results: Licensure

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99 results found

Good intentions, worrisome results: The impact of emergency teacher licensure in Massachusetts,-worrisome-results:-The-impact-of-emergency-teacher-licensure-in-Massachusetts

Not so fast! Why emergency teacher licenses fall short!-Why-emergency-teacher-licenses-fall-short
In the past four years, almost every state has lowered its standards for entry into teaching. I know this all too well, as I was a policymaker in one of...

Teacher Apprenticeships: Long on possibility, short on details (for now),-short-on-details-(for-now)
Apprenticeships offer a promising model to help expand and diversify the teacher workforce. But NCTQ President Heather Peske cautions: We're long on enthusiasm for apprenticeships and short on the details...

State of the States: Five Policy Actions to Strengthen Implementation of the Science of Reading

State of the States 2024 Five Policy Actions to Strengthen Implementation of the Science of Reading
For states to succeed in their efforts to improve reading instruction, they must ensure teachers are prepared to implement and sustain scientifically based reading instruction.

Driving change through research: A look back at 2023
NCTQ's Teacher Quality Bulletin distills the latest education research into clear, actionable information for education leaders. From topics like effective reading instruction to teacher diversity, here are the posts that...

False Assurances: Many states' licensure tests don't signal whether elementary teachers understand reading instruction
In a new analysis, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) finds that most states (29 states and the District of Columbia) use a weak elementary teacher reading licensure test,...

False Assurances: Many states’ licensure tests don’t signal whether elementary teachers understand reading instruction

Meeting the moment with measurement: Massachusetts’ lessons from emergency teacher licensure
As states quicklyshifted requirements for teacher licensure in the early days of the pandemic,some also saw an opportunity to learn from the responses they put in place.

For CTE teachers, real-world experience matters,-real--world-experience-matters
New research examines the impact of career and technical education teachers who entered the profession through different pathways.

Gambling with children’s futures—and no one’s tracking whether we win or lose
Almost no one is tracking the impact recent policy decisions have on student learning and how they perpetuate educational inequity.

What increasing seat belt use can teach us about strengthening math instruction
What if states applied the "seat belt" policy approach to solving our current mathematics education crisis?

Forging a path to a better place: A look back at the most widely read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022
The most-read Teacher Quality Bulletin posts of 2022 reflect the questions, overturned assumptions, and trade-offs that face education leaders.

Reducing certification requirements and reviewing the effects: Texas tracks the data on the state’s temporary teacher waiver policy
Temporary gains accompanied by longer-term challenges.

From the source: What strategies do teachers of color believe will be most successful in recruiting and retaining teachers of color?
A new RAND Corporation survey asked teachers what would be the most effective strategies to recruit and retain more teachers of color.

How some states use licensure test pass rate data to build a stronger, more diverse teacher workforce,-more-diverse-teacher-workforce

We wouldn’t lower standards for pilot licenses—so why teachers?
Who wants someone who has not demonstrated their knowledge and skills to be trusted with landing the plane? Teaching is no different.

Setting sights lower: States back away from elementary teacher licensure tests
Many states are moving to eliminate existing measures of content knowledge for aspiring teachers, citing concerns around possible teacher shortages.

How states are making licensure tests free to aspiring teachers
These states' efforts illustrate multiple approaches to help aspiring teachers to mitigate the cost burden of testing fees.

Digging Deeper: Which types of institutions achieve excellence and equity for aspiring teachers of color?
Building a more diverse teacher workforce is essential to addressing educational inequity for students of color. In this analysis, NCTQ considers teacher licensure test pass rate data through the lenses...

Teacher Prep Review: Preparation in Elementary Mathematics
Improving instruction in elementary mathematics is critical to supporting better academic and life outcomes for our students. While weak elementary math instruction is not a new challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic...

In gratitude - A final message from Kate Walsh
Doing this job has been the privilege of a lifetime, shaping and championing better teacher policies across the nation.

Four responsible steps states can take NOW to fill classrooms
It's high time to implement specific and strategic policies to address teacher shortages.

Dig into the Research: Teacher licensure, student achievement, and the edTPA,-student-achievement,-and-the-edTPA
NCTQ President Kate Walsh hosts a panel discussion on how the edTPA affects the teaching profession with leading researchers in the field of educator preparation.

Teacher quality in 2021: A story of resilience
Our nation's educators and students are exhausted and embattled, but not beaten.

Digging Deeper: Which subjects pose the greatest challenges to aspiring elementary teachers?
Elementary teachers have a big job. Unlike secondary teachers, they need to know not just one subject well, but four. Elementary teachers are expected to teach English language arts, math,...

Knowledge of Early Reading - Excerpted from State of the States 2021: Teacher Preparation Policy
- Updated August 2021 - Most states continue to lack a comprehensive set of policies to improve teacher knowledge of evidence-based early reading methods. This excerpt from NCTQ's State of...

The backstory on dislodging pass rate data
Twenty three years after the U.S. Congress first tried to dislodge the pass rates on teacher licensing tests, the dam has been broken.

The importance of content knowledge for elementary teachers
Elementary teachers need to know the content they will teach.

Driven by Data: Using Licensure Tests to Build a Strong, Diverse Teacher Workforce,-Diverse-Teacher-Workforce
The NCTQ publication of long-hidden data on institutional pass rates for elementary content teacher licensure tests serves as a compass, pointing toward strengths and opportunities in preparing aspiring elementary teachers...

Teacher licensure pass rate data: Lessons learned on teacher quality and diversity
Information gleaned from licensure tests can offer a compass, guiding efforts to strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce.

The opportunity to learn from teacher licensure pass rate data — and why it matters
Strengthening our teacher workforce begins with better, more transparent data.

Admissions requirements: Following the lead of state policy?
Do state policies have an impact on who enters teacher preparation and what is the impact of program' admissions requirements on teacher candidate enrollment?

Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funds to Advance Literacy: A Step-by-Step Guide for States and Early Reading Advocates
With the significant infusion of dollars now available to both states and school districts, we have a unique opportunity to finally reduce high rates of illiteracy, particularly in populations which...

Could it be that teacher certification does in fact matter?
Lo and behold, it turns out that stricter certification requirements do appear to pay off—but not for the reasons that have all that much to do with what happens inside...

State of the States 2021: Teacher Preparation Policy
NCTQ examines state policy trends that govern some of the most essential aspects of teacher preparation, from reading and content knowledge licensure exams to admissions and basic skills test requirements.

The wind at our backs on diversifying the teaching profession
No longer is it appropriate to decouple the goal of improving teacher quality from parallel efforts to increase the number of Black and Hispanic teachers. What's left to argue about...

NCTQ Databurst: State Oversight of Alternate Routes into Teaching
All but four states in the nation now permit teachers to come into the profession through an "alternate route," compared to only a few 30 years ago. Alternate routes into...

Are we done with teacher licensing tests?
Are teacher licensing tests a milestone to achieve or an obstacle to be removed?

What we’re reading: The stubborn myth of “learning styles”
Some excellent recent research and analysis from William Furey and Education Next exposes that more than half of states continue to endorse learning styles by including them in licensure tests...

Substitute teachers during the pandemic: requirements, benefits, and pay,-benefits,-and-pay
Although districts reopening schools virtually may have less need for substitute teachers due to teachers' reduced exposure to illness, districts reopening in-person need more substitutes than normal, as social distance...

Dueling endorsements
Some sensible solutions sometimes turn out to be counterproductive. A prime example may exist in Washington state, which recently instituted a policy requiring new special education teachers to pursue a...

The Four Pillars to Reading Success
Learning how to read is not something that comes naturally. Many children need instruction from their teachers that follows the research on the most effective and efficient methods of teaching...

Student teaching and initial licensure in the times of coronavirus
States must now consider how these coronavirus-related closures are impacting student teaching and other licensure requirements.

Tenure decisions and teacher effectiveness

A win for CA students, but not necessarily for science,-but-not-necessarily-for-science
The settlement agreement in CA still tiptoes around the most likely reason these kids aren't reading.

NCTQ Databurst: Licensure Requirements for Out-of-State Teachers
New data from the National Council on Teacher Quality reveal that the majority of states do not ask for evidence of prior successful teaching for those teachers coming from out...

Shocker! New evidence that teachers are more effective when they know their subject!-New-evidence-that-teachers-are-more-effective-when-they-know-their-subject
Perhaps this headline seems self-evident, but the backlash against licensure tests suggests otherwise.

Case closed
If a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm thinking that these two images should have long ago put an immediate end to any debate over what teachers need to...

Basic Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Requirements
Do you want to know the GPA requirements for admission and the number and types of tests aspiring teachers have to pass from admission through program completion? Explore Basic Undergraduate...

NCTQ Databurst: Maintaining strong elementary content requirements for prospective teachers
Prospective teacher candidates should make informed decisions about which teacher preparation programs are likely to best prepare them to succeed on their licensure tests and in the classroom. However, too...

Start Here to Become a Teacher
Peppered with plenty of advice from practicing teachers, Start Here to Become a Teacher provides advice to people interested in teaching and allows aspiring educators to more wisely "comparison shop"...

Steps to help create a stronger, more diverse elementary teacher workforce,-more-diverse-elementary-teacher-workforce
School districts currently hire about 70,000 new elementary teachers each year, with the expectation that these teachers are ready to teach the standard elementary curriculum of English language arts, mathematics,...

Why the big yawn?
There's a big push inmany states and among the edu-policy crowd to do away teacher licensing tests.

A Fair Chance
In A Fair Chance: Simple steps to strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce, NCTQ analysis reveals both astonishingly high numbers of elementary teacher candidates failing their professional licensing tests each...

Strengthening Reading Instruction Databurst
This study examines all 50 states' and the District of Columbia's requirements regarding the science of reading for elementary and special education teacher candidates.

When it comes to attracting out-of-state teachers, do states shoot themselves in the foot?,-do-states-shoot-themselves-in-the-foot
As many states struggle to staff all their classrooms, they might want to examine the degree to which their own policies discourage qualified teachers from applying.

2017 State Requirements for Out-of-State Teachers
See how states fared on our policy goals for licensure reciprocity in 2017.

2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook
NCTQ's bi-annual 2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook grades states on how well their programs and policies raise the quality of the teachers in their schools. The 2017 Yearbook evaluates states...

Border walls between states and their impact on kids
Despite how some organizations tend to discuss teacher supply, the United States doesn't have just one teacher labor market, but at least 50. Why is the labor market so fragmented?...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: Where the Rubber Misses the Road
This is the final installment in a series exploring secondary certifications, state licensing tests, and the subject matter preparation that teacher prep programs provide future high school teachers. This fourth...

Wanted: Teachers! No reading or writing required!-No-reading-or-writing-required
Over the last few months, a whole bunch of states -- including Arizona, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, New York, and Wisconsin -- have tried to lower their requirements for...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: How States Fail Licensing Tests
As has been previously detailed, secondary certification is a hot mess, and looking at state-mandated licensing tests adds yet another layer of complexity.

Preparing New Teachers for the “What” and “How” to Teach
A good secondary teacher prep program has two basic functions: first, to ensure that teacher candidates graduate knowing the content of the subject in which they will become certified; and...

Undergraduate programs struggle to prepare high school teachers
The National Council on Teacher Quality's (NCTQ) evaluation of 717 undergraduate programs preparing high school teachers found that many programs do well preparing teachers in some subjects but fall short...

Is it easier to prepare high school teachers than elementary teachers?
NCTQ's new report on teacher prep programs provides an updated perspective on how well some 700 colleges and universities are preparing high school teachers. While it is certainly no easier...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: State Certification Discontinuity
There are nearly as many arrangements of science and social studies certifications as there are states, which is somewhat astonishing considering almost all high school students take the same core...

Unpacking Secondary Certification: The Two Types of Certification
There is a seemingly simple path to high school certification: complete a major in the subject you want to teach while taking a few courses like classroom management and methods...

Local View
The fact that many of Nebraska's schools lack enough teachers, particularly in fields like science, mathematics, and special education, is likely not news to most. Year after year, nearly all...

Statement from Kate Walsh, President of the National Council on Teacher Quality, on Scrapping New York’s Literacy Test for Prospective Teachers,-President-of-the-National-Council-on-Teacher-Quality,-on-Scrapping-New-Yorks-Literacy-Test-for-Prospective-Teachers
Today, New York's State Board of Regents is considering doing away with a recentlyadopted licensing test for teacher candidates, amid concerns that the too many blackand Latino teacher candidates fail...

Why the Quality of Teacher Prep Programs Matters
Some people ask if the quality of teacher preparation matters at all.

Changing the Landscape
We've made some changes to the Review- here's the what and the why.

But, We Still Need Licensure Tests,-We-Still-Need-Licensure-Tests
Licensure tests:depending on who you ask, they're either an important check on a prospectiveteacher's knowledge before entering the profession or a burdensome requirementthat keeps good candidates out of the classroom.

When it comes to teacher quality, do states really matter?,-do-states-really-matter
Of late, I've been holding my own internal debate. Is getting states to change their teacher policies worth all the time and effort that it takes x 50?

Getting a teaching certificate after your bachelor’s degree
For many people, the call to teach isn't heard until after they've received their college degree. At times this change can be overwhelming due to the various programs and types...

Three reasons why every teacher prep program should adopt the edTPA…or not.
Over the last few decades, the field of teacher educationhas heavily promoted the use and even the mandatory adoption by states ofstandardized assessments that can be used to judge how...

Getting Licensed to Teach in Minnesota: A Puzzling Process
A year ago a group of 20 out-of-state teachers filed a lawsuitin Minnesota over the state's teacherlicensing regulations which they claimed were inconsistent and incoherent. Thestate's Office of the Legislative...

2015 State Licensure Advancement Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for licensure advancement.

2015 State Emergency Licensure Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for emergency licensure.

A new tool for teacher policy change: the gavel
"It should not take this long."A simple sentiment, but one that likely resonates with almost any teacher who has ever moved to a new state only to then engage in...

Getting great teachers takes high standards
Raising standards is hard. But as painful as it is todecide that not everyone is cut out to teach or that some candidates aren'tprepared well enough to do so, the...

Don't judge these teacher ed journals by their titles!!
Doteacher education journals seek to help teacher educators do a better job? It seemslike a fairly silly question. Nevertheless, we reviewed 10 prominent teacher edjournals and learned that, for the...

Know any aspiring teachers? Send them a copy of this book ASAP
When I was in college, several of my coursesrequired the purchase of what the professors indicated were canonical texts.Calculus required Apostol's Calculus Volumes1 and 2.Electricity and magnetism used Jackson's ClassicalElectrodynamics....

Incoherent by design
When wefirst began analyzing teacher prep programs for the Teacher Prep Review, we were surprised to find some really bigdifferences in how well programs housed on the same campus did...

The All-Purpose Science Teacher: Why Far Too Many States Are Allowing High School Science Teachers To Teach Subjects They May Know Very Little About

2012 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Improving Teacher Preparation National Summary
The State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides detailed analysis of any and every state policy that impacts the teaching profession. The Yearbook is a 52-volume encyclopedia (51 state reports including the...

State of the States 2012: Building a Better Alternate Route - Area 2: Expanding the Pool of Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

State of the States 2012: All Quiet on the Preparation Front - Area 1: Delivering Well-Prepared Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: National Summary
The State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides detailed analysis of any and every state policy that impacts the teaching profession. The Yearbook is a 52-volume encyclopedia (51 state reports including the...

2010 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Blueprint for Change National Summary
As a companion to last year's comprehensive state-by-state analysis, the 2010 edition provides each state with an individualized Blueprint for Change, building off last year's Yearbook goals and recommendations.

The All-Purpose Science Teacher: An Analysis of Loopholes in State Requirements for High School Science Teachers
NCTQ's analysis of science-teacher licensure policies in every state of the union reveals that most offer loopholes allowing high school teachers to teach specific subjects without adequate preparation. Eleven states...

When it comes to licensing tests, we need the wisdom of Solomon,-we-need-the-wisdom-of-Solomon

Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: Are Colorado's education school graduates ready to teach reading and mathematics in elementary classrooms?
As a follow up to NCTQ's national studies of how well elementary teachers are prepared to teach reading and mathematics, NCTQ looks at preparation in both subjects in all undergraduate...

Tackling the STEM crisis: Five steps your state can take to improve the quality and quantity of its K-12 math and science teachers
State laws and regulations can either help or hinder the ability of school districts to hire effective teachers for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. State officials wanting to...

What Indiana's Education Schools Aren't Teaching About Reading
NCTQ Releases Study of Reading Preparation in Indiana Education Schools: As a follow up to NCTQ's national study on how well elementary teachers are prepared to teach reading, NCTQ looks...

No Common Denominator: The Preparation of Elementary Teachers in Mathematics by America's Education Schools
American students' chronically poor performance in mathematics on international tests may begin in the earliest grades, handicapped by the weak knowledge of mathematics of their own elementary teachers. NCTQ looks...

What Education Schools Aren't Teaching About Reading--and What Elementary Teachers Aren't Learning
In this groundbreaking report, NCTQ studied a large representative sampling of ed schools to find out what future elementary teachers are and are not learning about reading instruction. The report,...

Necessary and Insufficient: Resisting a Full Measure of Teacher Quality
For all the conflict generated by various K-12 education reform efforts, there is one principle everyone agrees on: teachers need to know the subject matter they teach. This principle makes...

Teacher Certification Reconsidered: Stumbling for Quality
The importance of good teaching to the academic success of students is intuitively obvious to any parent and is well substantiated by a body of sound research. Correspondingly, ensuring that...