Search Results: Hiring and Assignment

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174 results found

Outdated models won’t drive future success: Six reasons to reimagine the teaching role
The Ford Model T: revolutionary 100+ years ago, impractical now. Similarly, our outdated classroom model doesn't meet the needs of today's students and teachers. We explore the evidence driving schools...

Reimagining the Teaching Role
Our classrooms haven't kept pace with innovation. The Ford Model T represented breakthrough technology in its day—more than 100 years ago—but it wouldn't serve us well today. Likewise, our traditional...

Clinical Practice Action Guide
This Clinical Practice Action Guide tells the stories of prep programs, districts, and states that have made a concerted effort to build a strong clinical experience, and provides resources and...

Is the “monetary grass” greener outside of education? It depends
Some suggest that teachers are "lured" out of the profession into more lucrative fields. But a new study of pre-pandemic data paints a more complex picture of who leaves the...

Teacher layoffs loom large. How to lessen the blow
New research examining ESSER's impact on school district hiring in Washington state confirms potential teacher layoffs as the funding wanes.

Saving our best teachers: The urgency of retention amid layoffs
As districts face impending fiscal cuts and teacher layoffs, states and districts should take this opportunity to reexamine their approaches to attracting and retaining teachers—especially those who do the most...

Paraprofessional and educator-support role staffing has increased to the benefit of students and teachers, but will it last?,-but-will-it-last
The proportion of individuals in educator-support roles (paraprofessionals, counselors, etc.) has consistently grown over the last decade. Compare state and national changes in school staffing across support and teaching roles.

Raising a red flag: LIFO policies harm teacher diversity, teacher quality, and student learning,-teacher-quality,-and-student-learning
As ESSER funding depletes and teacher layoffs set in, school districts should consider teacher performance and other alternatives to last-in-first-out.

When it comes to Chicago students, patience may not be a virtue,-patience-may-not-be-a-virtue
Researchers say Chicago Public Schools ultimately assigns students to teachers known to be low-performing and unlikely to improve.

Transforming education: The LEARNS Act's impact on teacher salaries in Arkansas
In March 2023, Arkansas passed the Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Readiness, Networking and School Safety Act (LEARNS). A recent research brief from the University of Arkansas analyzes how LEARNS has influenced...

Building a strong student teaching model: Districts and teacher prep programs share successes and challenges

Who’s walking out the door? How does turnover vary among teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and staff?,-paraprofessionals,-administrators,-and-staff
Non-teaching staff can have a big impact on student outcomes, yet little research explores how their turnover rates vary and what effects that could have on the school. New research...

What's resonating with school district leaders and staff in 2023
Explore the most popular District Trendline posts of 2023, spotlighting topics like paid parental leave benefits, housing costs in relation to teaching salaries, the diversification of the teacher workforce, and...

Are your substitute teachers getting paid more at Walmart?
Districts nationally are struggling to build strong pools of substitute teachers. Yet in 40% of the large districts we analyzed, entry-level substitute teachers are paid less than what they would...

Increasing teacher diversity: Four ways districts can take action
Pipelines, incentives, retention strategies, and data tracking lead to greater diversity.

Top five state priorities for education leaders, researchers, and advocates,-researchers,-and-advocates
To learn about state priorities in the coming years, NCTQ surveyed education leaders, advocacy groups, and researchers across the country.

Connect the Dots: States’ priorities, policies, and practices impact student outcomes,-policies,-and-practices-impact-student-outcomes
Do state leaders suffer from a lack of strategy? To really connect the dots and make an impact, states need to simultaneously prioritize teacher quality and learning outcomes.

Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity
Despite robust research that shows that teachers of color increase positive academic, social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes for all students, particularly students of color, new data and analysis from the National...

Scrambling to hire teachers doesn’t have to be a recurring rat race
Filling those hard-to-staff teacher vacancies doesn't have to be so hard. Making a few straightforward adjustments to compensation, incentives, and partnerships can change the game.

An easy fix? How technology can provide teacher demand data
A recent working paper shows a simple hack school leaders can use to ease teaching vacancy woes: Automate data collection.

Paraprofessionals: Understudied, undercompensated, and in short supply,-undercompensated,-and-in-short-supply-
Little is know about paraprofessionals in the classroom, but a recent study in Washington sheds some much-needed light on these important players.

State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity

What’s in a school? Would a teacher in any other setting be as effective?
The answer (perhaps less satisfying than policy wonks would like) is that It depends on the school context.

Seven strategies school districts are using to increase teacher diversity
Several school district leaders shared how they've accomplished recent gains in building a more diverse teacher workforce.

An equity decision: Which teachers choose to teach which students?
New research looks into how teachers select or are selected into positions based on their preferences and those of the principals hiring them.

Teacher layoffs may be coming. How do districts decide who to let go?
An analysis of layoff policies in 148 of the largest U.S. school districts explores how they may impact the teacher workforce and the student population

A look back on how school districts are preparing for the years ahead
The most popular District Trendline posts of 2022, with topics ranging from pay increases for substitutes to building a positive school climate

Do States Have the Data they Need to Answer Important Questions about their Teacher Workforce?
Given both the importance—and dearth—of nuanced, local data on teacher supply and demand, NCTQ set out to understand the key data elements states are currently collecting, which data is missing,...

Making the most of who you have: Academic and behavioral gains from repeat teachers
A new study finds sizable gains for students when they are assigned to a teacher for the second time.

Are some teachers more effective than others at teaching students with disabilities?
Every family sends their child off to school, hoping the teacher will effectively meet their child's unique needs.

How are school districts using strategic pay to attract and retain teachers where they need them?
We examine if and how 148 large U.S. school districts use strategic pay to recruit and retain teachers.

Making Secretary Cardona’s vision for the teaching profession a reality
Beyond the important areas outlined in the Secretary's remarks, we see two big challenges to the goal of access and equity to quality teachers that have yet to be addressed.

Six steps to hire a strong teacher workforce
Insights on what school districts can do to ensure every classroom is staffed with an effective teacher.

The scarce, incomplete, and elusive teacher workforce data,-incomplete,-and-elusive-teacher-workforce-data
One thing we know for certain: K-12 educator workforce data is lagging, lacking, and limited.

Hiring school guidance counselors can help teachers and students thrive
Investing in resources, such as school guidance counselors, that help shape a positive school environment can set the stage for building and sustaining a stronger teacher workforce.

Who’s ready to teach elementary mathematics?
How school districts can use NCTQ's Teacher Prep Review Elementary Math standard findings in their recruiting and hiring decisions

Coming home to teach: Do local grads make better teachers?
Do teachers who return to the district they graduated from have a competitive edge over other beginning teachers?

Early hiring and more effective teachers
One concrete step districts can take to build a stronger teacher workforce is to move up their hiring timelines.

Building a school climate that makes teachers want to stay
A look at the role that the quality and character of school life plays in teacher success and retention.

Ensuring Students' Equitable Access to Qualified and Effective Teachers
How states have responded to a 2015 federal law that they collect and report on the equitable distribution of teacher talent across their schools.

It’s time to get serious about professional development and support for substitute teachers
It's time to show our substitute teachers that we value them—and the time they spend with our students.

The evidence is mounting: Teacher specialization in elementary grades hurts student learning
Assigning elementary teachers to teach only their best subjects, also known as "teacher specialization," holds a lot of appeal...

California increased school funding. Here’s why it didn’t work
A new study makes the case that a $23 billion investment in California schools didn't just fail but backfired.

It’s taking a really long time to get state longitudinal data systems right
While most states have made progress in building out their data systems, key data connections are missing.

Pay increases and other non-obscure strategies to address the substitute teacher shortage
How several large school districts are revisiting policies surrounding pay and health benefits to attract prospective substitute teachers.

COVID-related incentives for teachers during the 2021-22 school year
Teachers faced many difficulties last year due to the pandemic. Concerns about teachers not returning for the 2021-22 school year weren't unfounded. We looked at the incentives that 148 large...

State of the States 2021: State Reporting of Teacher Supply and Demand Data
What data do states collect and report on the teacher labor market? Do states connect data on supply and demand to better understand and address teacher shortages? Explore state policies...

Student body demographics could influence teacher hiring decisions - but we need more data
A new working paper adds additional insight into the important question of how race impacts teacher hiring decisions.

When school breaks no longer spark joy
Why should anyone care that schools take a little break, especially given all that teachers have been through over the past 18 months?

Do state collective bargaining rules influence district teacher policies?
An analysis of state rules on collective bargaining for teachers and the content of school districts' policies across 148 districts nationwide.

Six steps to use student teachers to solve staffing challenges
For school districts looking to fulfill staffing needs, hosting student teachers offers many advantages to creating a pool of effective new teachers.

Mismatches and movement in new teacher employment
New data show the extent of the mismatch between teachers' certification and the area in which teachers are needed.

Ten school districts with the highest salaries for first-year teachers
For school district leaders, a crucial strategy for hiring a strong, effective teacher workforce is to offer competitive salaries.

Substitute Teaching 101: When no one answers the call
Are some teacher absences more likely to be covered than others? And what can be learned from the situations when it is not possible to find a sub?

More on student teaching: Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match,-matchmaker,-make-me-a-match
Teacher candidates' clinical placements should represent an environment similar to what they'll experience in their first teaching job.

If you can’t have it all, prioritize equity,-prioritize-equity
What if districts could significantly improve student outcomes by moving around the teachers they already have?

The early bird gets the better teacher candidate pool
Pervasive late hiring processes hinder districts'ability to hire high-quality teacher candidates, yet still many districts can'tseem to rise out of this rut. One large district figured out something to doabout...

Substitute teachers during the pandemic: requirements, benefits, and pay,-benefits,-and-pay
Although districts reopening schools virtually may have less need for substitute teachers due to teachers' reduced exposure to illness, districts reopening in-person need more substitutes than normal, as social distance...

To do right by students with disabilities, principals need better tools,-principals-need-better-tools
A recent study from CALDER provides some insight into how a lack of information may contribute to the challenge of achieving equitable outcomes for students with and without disabilities.

What we’re reading: D.C. Voices: Teacher retention and recruitment during the pandemic
New analysis from Chelsea Coffin and Tanaz Meghjani at the D.C. Policy Center explores some of the teacher workforce data from D.C. public schools, and reports on how key education...

The emerging science on predicting if a teacher will be effective
Researchers have spent decades investigating the most valid predictors and measures of teacher quality, with one of the hopes being that school districts will know exactly what to look for...

Teacher layoff criteria during a pandemic-driven recession
No district wants to lay off personnel. But if it ought to be done, NCTQ (along with other education researchers and policy advocates) has laid out ways to make layoff...

AASPA Benefit Survey On COVID-19 From PK-12 HR

Ensuring strong and stable substitute teacher pools
What do substitute teacher pools look like across the largest school districts in the country and how can districts use strategic compensation and other innovative practices to ensure a strong...

The very real damage to student learning from pink slips
Here's a legitimately scary topic never far from teachers' minds when the economy takes a downturn: the threat of being laid off.

Three steps for creating and retaining a strong STEM teaching corps
Districts report the most difficulty not only filling STEM and special ed vacancies but keeping them filled with strong, effective teachers. Given these shortages, what can districts do to recruit...

First, do no harm,-do-no-harm
"First, do no harm" is a good dictum for doctors, and may be one for policymakers as well. Even the best-intended policies can cause an unintended ripple of harm.

The best-laid plans oft go awry
"This should work!" Reading between the lines of a new study looking at how to make the most of effective elementary teachers, it seemed pretty clear that even its dispassionate...

Inequities in the classroom: When the only thing missing is the will to act
In spite of a federal law requiring states to take action to ameliorate the inequitable distribution of teacher talent, many states (and consequently their districts) aren't doing much.

Lose-lose: New teacher assignments
We all know that new teachers are more apt to get handed the toughest classrooms, a double whammy on student growth (where it's most needed) and teacher attrition rates. What's...

When the economy’s down, stock up,-stock-up
It's safe to say that recessions are bad – people lose jobs, investments lose value, politicians lose elections. However, it turns out there's one group that benefits from an economic...

The high price of putting our heads in the sand
I know teacher evaluation is now considered toxic, but I've never been one to shy away from tilting at windmills.

Too short, still sweet: When successful systems lack longevity,-still-sweet:-When-successful-systems-lack-longevity
How can we fix well-documented disparities in the education experiences of children living in poverty?

Hey, Michael Jackson … maybe it really DOES matter if you’re Black or White,-Michael-Jackson--maybe-it-really-DOES-matter-if-youre-Black-or-White
A new study confirms, yet again, the positive benefits of students of color having a teacher of the same race.

The use of teacher effectiveness in layoff decisions
Given the importance of great teaching for student learning, including effectiveness data when making layoff decisions is essential.

Walking the Tightrope Databurst
Deciding under what circumstances teachers are laid off during a reduction in force or dismissed will always be a tightrope. Teachers deserve a fair process and one that respects their...

Supply and demand 101: Teacher pay edition
In most job sectors,employers use their compensation dollars to purchase what they most value.

A look back at teacher performance incentives
A new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research compares two approaches to incentivizing teacher performance and highlights the value of initiatives aimed at rewarding ability and...

Teacher transfers: finding the right fit
Teachers are notinterchangeable parts in a school district. That's why principals need to havethe final say about the district's decision to transfer a teacher into theirschool.

What school districts can do to tackle teacher shortages
Coverage of teacher shortages tells of real struggles faced by districts, but it only tells part of the story.

Ripple effects: effective teaching echoes for years
The nation has taken steps toward giving all students, regardless of their background, equal access to great teachers. By more equitably distributing teachers, can schools actually get more equitable results,...

Can better applicant screening raise teacher quality?
It's teacher hiring season, and school districts are out in full force working to recruit teachers.

Strong support for rigorous principal evaluations
In Tennessee schools, accountability starts at the top - and that might be making all the difference.

Want teachers who are ready on day one? Here's where to look!!
As school districts plan for the coming school year, many are already considering where to recruit a fresh crop of new teachers - teachers eager to put everything they've learned...

Does Opportunity Culture bring students more opportunities to learn?
About 20 school districts have adopted new staffing models known collectively as Opportunity Culture, each designed to maximize the impact of great teachers. Makes sense, but does it work? Thanks...

In Data We Trust
Without first understanding a problem, it's next-to-impossible to fix it. A new policy brief demonstrates how one state looked first to data to better understand its schools' inequitable assignment of...

When it comes to attracting out-of-state teachers, do states shoot themselves in the foot?,-do-states-shoot-themselves-in-the-foot
As many states struggle to staff all their classrooms, they might want to examine the degree to which their own policies discourage qualified teachers from applying.

Can Moving Teachers Between Grade Levels Actually Hurt Student Learning?
A great deal of attention has been given to the learning loss that can take place under brand new teachers, but there is a growing body of research that shows...

Teacher Shortages and Surpluses Databurst
The Teacher Shortages and Surpluses Databurst is an analysis of states' work to track teacher shortages and surpluses, and to implement the policy solutions to address these challenges. This resource...

Want to keep great teachers in high-needs schools? Train them there
Even today, high-needs schools struggle to attract and, more critically, retain effective and experienced teachers. We think teacher prep programs are missing a huge opportunity to tackle this issue, through...

The best laid plans...
There is a cautionary lesson from a new working paper examining Houston's bold talent initiative. In many ways, it yielded the results intended by retaining a higher number of great...

2017 State Dismissal Policies
See how states fared on our policy goals for dismissing teachers for poor performance in 2017.

2017 State Layoff Policies
Learn more about best practices in state layoff policies from our 2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook.

2017 State Substitute Teacher Licensing
Learn more about state's policies for licensing substitute teachers.

2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook
NCTQ's bi-annual 2017 State Teacher Policy Yearbook grades states on how well their programs and policies raise the quality of the teachers in their schools. The 2017 Yearbook evaluates states...

Spring 2017 ESSA Educator Equity Best Practices Guide
This Best Practices Guide highlights exemplary work to meet the ESSA's educator equity requirements from the 17 state plans we analyzed in spring 2017.

Fall 2017 ESSA Educator Equity Best Practices Guide
The Best Practice Guide highlights exemplary work to meet the ESSA's educator equity requirements among the 34 state plans analyzed in fall 2017. The guide is designed to recognize and...

Border walls between states and their impact on kids
Despite how some organizations tend to discuss teacher supply, the United States doesn't have just one teacher labor market, but at least 50. Why is the labor market so fragmented?...

Can teachers afford a place to call home?
Permit me to draw my inspiration from scripture, referencing the basic human needs of clothes on our backs, food to eat, and a shelter over our heads. How better to...

District Transfer Policies
Explore school district teacher transfer policies, including the use of mutual consent, with NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database data.

October 2017: Does low pay shut teachers out of the housing market?
Teacher salaries are always in the news, but in the last few months we've noticed that housing affordability for teachers is in the spotlight, with many school districts exploring ways...

Not-so-strategic staffing
Like all of us, principals respond to performance pressures by seeking to alleviate them as quickly and simply as possible. Unfortunately, when it comes to the pressure to improve test...

September 2017: Substitute Teachers
As students around the country return to class, far too many will find a substitute teacher at the helm. Here we take a look at districts' qualifications for their substitutes...

Should Teacher Prep Steer Students to Fields with the Most Jobs?
Should schools of education steer their students to fields where they have the highest chances of being hired? Or should they allow students to major in fields in which the...

District Substitute Teacher Policies
Dig into the data on substitute teacher education requirements, pay, and more from the Teacher Contract Database.

District Layoff Policies
Explore district layoff policies in NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database.

August 2017: Involuntary transfers and reassignment
Every year, shifts in school enrollment,programs, or other factors require schools to transfer some teachers out of theircurrent position at a school. But how do those teachers find a new...

Statement from Kate Walsh, President of the National Council on Teacher Quality, on the Dangers of NYC Education Department’s New Teacher Placement Plan,-President-of-the-National-Council-on-Teacher-Quality,-on-the-Dangers-of-NYC-Education-Departments-New-Teacher-Placement-Plan
The New York City Education Department recently announced plans to reduce the pool of paid teachers who do not have a classroom position by now assigning these teachers to vacancies...

State ESSA plans on educator equity a real mixed bag
There has been substantial media attention recently regarding states' Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plans, much of which has focused on states' efforts to meet ESSA's accountability requirements. Here at...

June 2017: Layoffs
In light of this change in the layoff landscape, this month we examine how districts around the country handle teacher layoffs and which teachers are the first to go when...

Principles for principals: How districts can support data-rich hiring
Data, data everywhere but not a drop to drink.

The Salary, Cost of Living, and Student Debt Equation,-Cost-of-Living,-and-Student-Debt-Equation
In the search for your perfect teaching job, there are a lot of compensation-related factors to consider.

Great District Profile: District of Columbia Public Schools
Choosing the right district for you is not easy if you don't have the right information.

NCTQ and TNTP Call on the Minnesota Court of Appeals to Reverse Lower Court & Allow Trial on Rights of Schoolchildren to Quality Teachers
The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) and TNTP submitted an amicus brief today in support of four Minnesota parents challenging the state's laws on teacher tenure, dismissal, and layoffs....

Great Districts for Great Teachers
For teachers, finding satisfaction in their classroom, school, and district is key to longevity and success.

Honor Roll: Selective Programs that Achieve High Diversity
Studies have shown teachers who have strong academic backgrounds tend to be more successful in the classroom.

Myth buster on inequitable assignment of teachers?
Do low-income students have the same access to effective teachers as their more affluent peers? A new study from Eric Isenberg and his colleagues at Mathematica Policy Research and the...

The best teacher quality research of 2016!!
Teacher quality researchers made plenty of provocative headlines in 2016. They identified trends to monitor, new tips for the trade, and a few wins worth celebrating. Here are the papers...

Feel the Churn
If there's one thing that research has shown us time and again, it's that being a brand new teacher is hard—and being one of their first students is not all...

Obeying the Laws of Supply and Demand Averts Teacher Shortages
Every consumer knows how the law of supply and demand affects prices. When demand is higher than supply, the price goes up. As suppliers increase production to match the demand,...

Beware of the ‘Pupil Factory’
For most students, the start of middle school representssome newfound independence. For the first time, they get to travel the hallsfrom class to class without being led by an adult....

Teacher diversity: Grounding our goals in reality
One feature of an ideal school environment, webelieve, is that both students and their teachers reflect America in all of itsdiversity. Everyone, including children coming from privilege, benefits from adiverse...

High Hopes and Harsh Realities: The real challenges to building a diverse workforce
Public schools are suffering from a well-publicized diversity problem. Students of color make up nearly half of all public school students, yet teachers of color comprise just 18 percent of...

June 2016: Substitute teachers
This month, the Trendline takes a look at substitute teachers' required qualifications, salary, and benefits. We find some significant changes in the pay and benefits provided to substitute teachers since...

April 2016: Teacher transfers and mutual consent
In this edition of the District Trendline, we take a look atthe policies that govern voluntary and involuntary transfers, plus we take adeeper look at districts that use mutual consent...

Save more money, fire fewer people and boost student achievement? How one district weathered the Great Recession.,-fire-fewer-people-and-boost-student-achievement-How-one-district-weathered-the-Great-Recession.
No one's happy about laying off teachers during an economicdownturn, but some approaches to deciding who to lay off may yield betterresults than others. Breaking away from the many districts...

Pay attention, everybody- DC's on a roll,-everybody---DCs-on-a-roll
What happens in DC has the potential toimpact districts across the entire nation.

January 2016: Layoffs
The first Trendline of 2016 takes a fresh look at our most popular topic from 2015: layoffs.

#4—Most Depressing Findings We Wish Weren’t True
Uneven Playing Field? Assessing the Teacher Quality GapBetween Advantaged and Disadvantaged Students by Goldhaber, Lavery, &Theobald

A silver lining in a cloudy study
As eternal optimists, we're choosing to look on the bright sideof a disheartening new study.

2015 State Layoff Policies
Learn more about state layoff policies in our 2015 State Teacher Policy Yearbook.

2015 Exiting Ineffective Teachers State Policy
See how states fared on our policy goals for dismissing teachers for poor performance in 2015.

November 2015: The role of student achievement and teacher performance in evaluations, compensation and dismissal,-compensation-and-dismissal
This month, the Trendline takes a look at the role of student growth in evaluation ratings and how districts connect evaluation ratings with compensation and dismissal policies.

Switching it up isn’t always a good thing
Rather than looking for the next big reform to improve teacher quality, a new study considers whether it's time for things to stay the same. Researcher David Blazar of the...

Who is teaching the students? Depends on which students you are talking about!!
Welcometo a new school year! A chance to learn new subjects, make new friends and be remindedanew of the disparities in education.

Stay or go? Your contract might provide some insight!!
People have offered many reasons for the inequitable distribution of teacher talentand experience across schools: salary, the desirability of thelocale, recruitment, the student teacher pipeline, to name some. A new...

A snapshot of substitute teacher policies
Substitute teachers have been in the news frequently as of late. In our most recent Teacher Trendline we laid out what we know about substitute teacher policies from the...

May 2015: Substitute Teachers
In May's edition of the Trendline we explore substitute teacher policies, including education and licensing requirements, pay and health benefits.

Spotlight on Nevada's Clark County Public Schools
Thisyear, Clark County School District in Las Vegas started the year ina pinch: district-wide, there were over 600 teaching vacancies and studentenrollment continued to grow. In response, the district pulled...

Sorting it out: What’s behind teacher tracking and sorting between and within schools
Somestudents are more apt to be assigned better or more experienced teachers thanother students. That's not news. Past studies have found that lower-income and minority students tend to be assigned...

April 2015: Transfers and Excessing
April's Trendline is all about transfers and excessing, highlighting how districts prioritize transfers and how they decide where to place teachers when excessing occurs. Plus, we take a detailed look...

January 2015: Layoffs
Our Trendline series kicks off 2015 with a look at teacher layoff policies in the largest districts across the country.

Boston Public Schools making strides in human capital policies
Way backin 2010, NCTQ released Human Capital in BostonPublic Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain EffectiveTeachers in partnership with the MassachusettsAlliance for Business Education. The typical life span...

How one district streamlined and bolstered new teacher hiring
Every district HR department looks to findways to limit the number of time-consuming interviews of new teacherapplicants. A few weeks ago, Politicoran a story about "Big Data" toolsdesigned to give...

Transforming recruitment and hiring in Dallas
Dallas IndependentSchool Districthires approximately 2,000 new teachers each year. It is transforming the wayits human capital team works, adopting data-driven strategies for recruitment,selection and hiring. One of the many sources...

No greater than the sum of their parts
If one Teach For America (TFA) corps member can boost studenttest scores at a higher rate than other teachers in the same school, wouldmultiple TFA corps members in the same...

September 2014: Substitute teachers
As teachers and students settle into the new school year, we turn our attention to a group of teachers who often are overlooked: substitutes

Which teachers stick around?
While the recent landmark Vergara v. California court case focused on teachers who are or should be dismissed, the greatest portion of teachers are still those who don't stick around...

Unequal access, unequal results: Equitable teacher distribution in Miami-Dade County Public Schools,-unequal-results:-Equitable-teacher-distribution-in-Miami--Dade-County-Public-Schools
This report analyzes the distribution of teachers in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in Pittsburgh Public Schools
This report examines teacher quality policies and practices Pittsburgh Public Schools and provides Pittsburgh with a tailored analysis of the teacher policy areas most in need of critical attention, as...

April 2014: Teacher excessing and placement
Read about the latest trends when it comes to how teachers are excessed and how excessed teachers are placed in schools.

Teacher Quality Roadmap Revisited: Checking in on Springfield, Massachusetts,-Massachusetts
This is a follow-up study of teacher policies in Springfield Public Schools as a complement to the original report which was released in October 2011. The follow-up study focuses primarily...

NCTQ Survey Finds That Big Urban School Districts Laid Off Far Fewer Teachers Than Expected This School Year, a Rate of 2.5 Percent,-a-Rate-of-2.5-Percent
A National Council on Teacher Quality survey of 74 large, urban school districts across the country finds that the districts laid off approximately 2.5 percent of their teaching forces for...

Tr3 Trends: Substitute Teachers
Substitute teachers spend a lot of time with students, yet policies governing their work don't often make it into the spotlight. This month we compare districts' requirements for becoming a...

Bumping HR: Giving Principals More Say Over Staffing Press Release

The Recession's Impact on Teacher Salaries
This report breaks down how some of the nation's largest districts adjusted their pay schemes to account for tightened budgets. The report finds that teacher raises for experience and market...

Tr3 Trends: Teacher Excessing and Placement
In this month's Tr3 Trends, we take a look at teacher excessing: what factors determine which teachers to excess, how excessed teachers are assigned to schools, and what happens to...

State of the States 2012: Teacher Effectiveness Policies - Area 3: Identifying Effective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

State of the States 2012: Making Effectiveness Matter - Area 5: Exiting Ineffective Teachers; NCTQ State Teacher Policy Yearbook Brief;-NCTQ-State-Teacher-Policy-Yearbook-Brief
Interim editions of the Yearbook provide shorter briefs for each state that include a state-specific action plan, updating states' progress on Yearbook goals and giving advice on how to prioritize...

2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: National Summary
The State Teacher Policy Yearbook provides detailed analysis of any and every state policy that impacts the teaching profession. The Yearbook is a 52-volume encyclopedia (51 state reports including the...

Teacher Quality Roadmap: Improving Policies and Practices in LAUSD
Designed as a tool to highlight what is and is not working in our local schools, the report compares LAUSD's policies with both surrounding districts and similar districts around the...

Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Removing the Roadblocks: How Federal Policy Can Cultivate Effective Teachers
Joining the chorus of advocates calling for moving from highly qualified to highly effective teachers, NCTQ offers recommendations for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) so...

2010 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Blueprint for Change National Summary
As a companion to last year's comprehensive state-by-state analysis, the 2010 edition provides each state with an individualized Blueprint for Change, building off last year's Yearbook goals and recommendations.

Building Teacher Quality in Baltimore City Public Schools
A report on Baltimore City Public Schools policies that praises the district for hiring new teachers with strong academic backgrounds, but criticizes it for not doing all it can to...

Teacher Layoffs: Rethinking "Last-Hired, First-Fired" Policies,-First--Fired-Policies
In this paper, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) taps into its TR3 (Teacher Rules, Roles and Rights; database to examine district policies, some mandated by state law,...

Human Capital in Boston Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
A report on Boston Public School policies that have an impact on teacher quality, concluding that while the district has many smart, strategic policies already in place, improving teacher rules...

Bumping HR: Giving Principals More Say Over Staffing
In too many school districts, principals have little say over which teachers work in their buildings. NCTQ's new policy brief explores the staffing policies in 101 school districts and points...

Tackling the STEM crisis: Five steps your state can take to improve the quality and quantity of its K-12 math and science teachers
State laws and regulations can either help or hinder the ability of school districts to hire effective teachers for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. State officials wanting to...

Human Capital in Hartford Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop, and Retain Effective Teachers,-Develop,-and-Retain-Effective-Teachers
This report, which examines the alignment of Hartford's teacher policies with its goals for improving teacher quality, represents the first in a number of similar analyses which NCTQ is undertaking...

Increasing the Odds: How Good Policies Can Yield Better Teachers
This booklet from the National Council on Teacher Quality summarizes briefly what the research says about the attributes of an effective teacher. NCTQ has combed through the research, good and...

Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers: Background report for the United States,-Developing-and-Retaining-Effective-Teachers:-Background-report-for-the-United-States
The focus of the country background reports is on the aspects of teacher policy that deal with how to attract, recruit, develop, and retain effective teachers. The report has the...

Teacher Certification Reconsidered: Stumbling for Quality
The importance of good teaching to the academic success of students is intuitively obvious to any parent and is well substantiated by a body of sound research. Correspondingly, ensuring that...

District Dismissal Policies
Explore district-level data on teacher dismissal from NCTQ's Teacher Contract Database