TQB: Teacher Quality Bulletin

Hypothesis Testing…and testing…and testing

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Do higher scoring students get assigned higher value-added teachers? Maybe— but more work is needed to really tell.

Early in 2014, ChettyFriedman and Rockoff published a study based on New York City data that found that value-added (VA) models which control for the previous years' test scores can accurately predict teacher impacts on current year student test scores. Along the way, the team demonstrated the viability of a quasi-experimental design that most districts— with student test and teacher assignment data— could use to validate district VA calculations.

In the past several months, two studies have replicated the Chetty et. al.'s methodology and key results in two different samples: a study using data from Los Angeles by Bacher-Hicks, Kane and Staiger and one using data from North Carolina by Jesse Rothstein, who has been academia's most vocal critic of value-add methodologies.

Following the specifications and techniques of the original paper, the two newer papers find little evidence of bias in teacher VA measures (with the typical controls) and show that there are differences in teacher VA across students and schools.

All three studies found a significant, positive relationship between a student's prior year test score and teacher VA. In other words, higher-scoring students do get assigned to high VA teachers, on average, with only some disagreement over what happens to special education students.

Rothstein (North Carolina) found that minority students (Black or Hispanic) and schools with higher fractions of minority students have higher VA teachers, on average.  Chetty et al. (New York City) found no such relationships. Bacher-Hicks et al. (Los Angeles) found significantly negative relationships at the student and school levels for African-American and Hispanic students. In other words, in Los Angeles, African-American or Hispanic students or schools with higher fractions of these students have teachers with lower VA, on average.

A key benefit of replicating research (which happens much too rarely in education research) is that in addition to comparing results in different locales, researchers can identify potential weaknesses in a study’s design. While Rothstein replicated the Chetty et al.'s results using their techniques and specifications, he also went on to demonstrate two potential flaws that should be the subject of future work: (a) the results change depending on how one makes up for missing classroom or teacher data; and (b) the "random" teacher moves— from classroom to classroom or school to school— required for the quasi-experiment's validity are not so random after all. Taking these into account, he finds significant bias in teacher value-added calculations: for some teachers, the models predict better performance, on average, than they should, while for other teachers, the models go the other way.

What’s the bottom line of these studies? There seems to be clear evidence that in New York City, Los Angeles and North Carolina, higher-scoring students are assigned to higher VA teachers, on average. There is significant variation across the three jurisdictions in the relationships between a student's special education or minority status and average teacher VA scores. Finally, Rothstein raises significant questions about validity with respect to resolving missing data and the independence of teacher turnover. All of these require further hypothesis testing— and more replication studies.