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As 2013 comes to a close, so does our document collection window for the 2014 edition of the Teacher Prep Review. Teacher education leaders were invited to send us documents detailing improvements they had made to their programs since the 2013 edition of the Review. We're elated that 105 schools of education took us up on this offer. What's more, eight institutions that we could not fully evaluate in the first edition voluntarily supplied materials for this next round of the Review. 

We don't know yet if the changes they've documented will merit improved scores, but we are encouraged to see how many leaders want the broader public to know about the adjustments being made to their programs.

Deans of education schools are trying to improve the field, and recent news coverage shows how much the public supports this issue. Two recent New York Times opinion pieces on the importance of high-quality teacher prep have been among the paper's most emailed links this week. We look forward to working with even more deans and drawing attention to the programs that are getting teacher prep right in the coming year.