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Elementary Teacher Preparation

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith

Fort Smith, Arkansas



A quality education for every child, regardless of race or background, requires a world-class teaching force. Relative to other nations, the United States has long struggled to assert sufficiently high academic standards for entry into teaching. Setting more rigorous admissions standards for aspiring teachers both supports student learning and the prestige of the teaching profession—making the prospect of increasing teacher compensation more likely.

This program was not included in the 2021 Admissions analysis.



Reading Foundations

Detailed course-level findings

All elementary teacher candidates should learn scientifically based reading instruction, the research-based content and methods to effectively teach all children to read. This content should be clearly evident in a teacher preparation program’s course materials, including class session topics, assignments, practice opportunities, and background materials. The five core components of scientifically based reading instruction evaluated under this standard are: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

A review of ELML 3202, READ 3303, READ 3503, READ 3803, and READ 3903 finds the program earns an A for providing adequate coverage for all five components.

To meet coverage requirements for a component, a program must earn at least 8 out of 12 points based on addressing the component through four instructional approaches: instructional hours, background materials (e.g., textbooks, readings, and other resources), objective measures of knowledge (e.g., tests or written assignments), and practice/application. A program can earn up to three points for each instructional approach.

Analysis found there was adequate coverage of the following component(s):

  • Phonemic Awareness: 12 of 12 points
  • Phonics: 11 of 12 points
  • Fluency: 11 of 12 points
  • Vocabulary: 11 of 12 points
  • Comprehension: 11.12 of 12 points

Evidence of Content Contrary to Research-Based Practices

Analysis identified evidence of one practice that runs contrary to research. Specifically, the program was found to provide coverage of:
  • Miscue analysis

Evidence of Exemplary Practices

Courses analyzed were inclusive of content that provides an understanding of how and why scientifically based reading instruction is effective. That content included:
  • How the brain works when reading
  • Science of Reading (SoR)

For additional information on how programs are scored, please review the technical report. The link below provides a more detailed program summary, including course-level analysis based on the material provided.

Download the detailed course-level findings

Support for Range of Learners
(Ungraded: Findings did not contribute your grade)

All elementary teacher candidates should be prepared to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students. To elevate the importance of instruction on how to support a range of learners, including struggling readers, English language learners, and students who speak language varieties other than mainstream English (e.g. speakers of African American English or Appalachian English), this analysis looks for evidence in the teacher preparation program’s course materials including class session topics, assignments, practice opportunities, and background materials.

To provide feedback on how institutions address instruction, a program can earn up to a total of eight points for each population over four instructional approaches: instructional hours, background materials (e.g. textbooks, readings, and other resources), objective measures of knowledge (e.g. tests and written assignments), and practice/application. A program can earn up to two points for each instructional approach.

Analysis found the following coverage for supporting a range of learners:
  • Struggling Readers: 6 of 8 points, placing this program at the 84th percentile among evaluated programs.
  • English Language Learners: 3.50 of 8 points, placing this program at the 59th percentile among evaluated programs.
  • Students who speak language varieties other than mainstream English: 0 of 8 points, placing this program at the 1st percentile among evaluated programs. Note that programs' attention to this group of students is nascent, and few programs had evidence of any attention in this area.

Download the detailed course-level findings


Elementary Mathematics

In order for elementary schools to deliver equitable and effective instruction in mathematics to all students, they need their teachers to have acquired the mathematics content and pedagogical knowledge specified in commonly accepted mathematics education standards. To evaluate that coverage, the Elementary Mathematics standard examines the instructional time allocated to each of the five essential topics in coursework required by teacher preparation programs.

To assess performance under this standard, the distribution of instructional time is estimated using syllabi and course descriptions. Only courses that provide content and pedagogical knowledge related to elementary mathematics are considered.

A review of ELML 4303, MATH 1333, MATH 1343, MATH 2233, MATH 2343, and MATH 3843 found the following coverage:

Numbers & Operations: 77 instructional hours*
Recommended target: 45 hours

Algebraic Thinking: 12 instructional hours*
Recommended target: 20 hours

Geometry & Measurement: 46 instructional hours
Recommended target: 25 hours

Data Analysis & Probability: 46 instructional hours
Recommended target: 15 hours

Mathematics Pedagogy: 54 instructional hours
Recommended target: 45 hours

*Please note that for grading purposes, the hours for Numbers & Operations and Algebraic Thinking are summed and measured against a combined target of 65 hours. Under this measure, 89 instructional hours were found.

Programs earning an A+ provide the content and pedagogical knowledge elementary teachers need for effective mathematics instruction. Programs earn this grade by allocating at least 150 instructional hours that encompass the five essential topics and by meeting 100% of the recommended target for each topic area.

Analysis of the required coursework for elementary teacher candidates at University of Arkansas - Fort Smith found the program to address 100% of the total target recommendation, dedicating adequate instructional time to each of the five topics.


Building Content Knowledge

To be successful, elementary teachers need content knowledge in science and social studies, both to build their students' understanding of the world and their critical thinking skills, and also to support students in becoming strong readers. Becoming a strong reader requires cumulative exposure to content knowledge, cutting across multiple domains and disciplines. The courses aspiring teachers take gives them strong background knowledge in these subjects, and in turn, they give this knowledge to students.

There is no letter grade associated with the 2023 Building Content Knowledge standard. Please view this program's detailed analysis and recommendations using the Content Coverage Tool.

See analysis


Clinical Practice

Strong preparation requires meaningful practice. All aspiring teachers benefit from the firsthand experience of observing effective teachers at work and practicing under their tutelage. The challenge for teacher preparation programs is not only to provide teacher candidates with enough practice but also to ensure that the practice, regardless of length, is a high-quality experience.

This program was not included in the 2020 Clinical Practice analysis.


Classroom Management

New teachers (and their principals) invariably cite classroom management as a pressing challenge. That's why teacher preparation programs need to provide teacher candidates with practice in universally effective classroom management strategies. With practice, novice teachers arrive better prepared to successfully manage the full range of student behaviors necessary to maintain a productive classroom climate.

This program was not included in the 2020 Classroom Management analysis.


Rating Notes

Programs which meet the requirements for an A and also meet additional, related criteria earn an A+.

Scores of "CBD" could not be determined because NCTQ was unable to obtain sufficient data or the information that we obtained was inconclusive.


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