Evaluation and Support

Professional Development

Four core principles should guide the professional development of teachers:

  1. Make sure that the teacher evaluation system has the capacity to drive professional development.
  2. Professional development should be structured as a collaborative effort by a group of teachers answering DuFour’s critical questions: what do we want students to learn, how will we know they’ve learned it, and what will we do if they don’t?
  3. Look as much as possible to the expertise, talent, and skills of teachers working with teachers as the most sustainable form of professional development.
  4. Use external consultants for new undertakings where internal expertise may be lacking, but have a plan for growing that expertise.

A substantial amount of money has been spent on professional development with little return on investment.

TNTP's The Mirage estimates that we spend $18,000 per teacher per year on professional development-related efforts, without substantial improvement in teachers' performance.  

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Teachers improve their craft through targeted feedback and professional development.

As of 2022, 32 states require that that teachers' evaluations inform their professional development. This ensures that each teacher receives training and support based on his/her needs.

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