Supreme Court to Weigh in on Union Politicking

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The Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments this session over the use of union fees for political purposes. The case involves complaints against Washington State's NEA affiliate that were originally brought by the right-leaning Evergreen Freedom Foundation think tank, on behalf of teachers who claim that their "agency fees"--the money they pay to the union for collective bargaining--have been improperly spent on political causes.

Washington already has a policy wherein unions have to ask non-members whether they grant permission for their money to go toward lobbying and campaigns. However, the plaintiffs claim that despite this safeguard, money that is left over after the collective bargaining process is over often improperly goes toward political spending.

Any decision by the Court that could lead to diminished political muscle on the part of unions, particularly teacher unions, will have seismic implications. The case will likely be heard in December, with a decision expected in June.